Chapter four; this is the night.

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Without skipping a beat, I pull her closer to me and kiss her. She places her arms on my neck, and leans closer to me, closing the gap between us. "El..." I whisper. She stares into my eyes. "Max?" She says. "I love you too." I say, finally letting it off my chest. Her smile grows wide. "But max, aren't we supposed to love boys only?" She asks. "We can love whoever we want." I say. Eleven smiles. "Okay Max." She says, giving me a huge embrace. "I love you." She whispers. I couldn't stop a growing smile. I gently kiss her forehead, before turning the lights off. "Night Max." El says, laying down. "Night." I say, as Eleven shares the blanket with me.
I close my eyes. I grip Max's hand, as she strokes my cheek. I open my eyes to find Max staring at me, grinning. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. It's just, this is the happiest I've been for quite a while." She mumbles. I return her smile, closing my eyes once more.

I stare at every inch of her face, etching it into my mind. I scoot closer to her, staring at her lips. "Max." She suddenly mumbles. "Oh. Yeah?" I say. "Why are you looking at me?" She asks. "When we kissed, it was a good feeling. So I guess I want to feel it again." I say. She smiles. Eleven gently touches the back of my head and leans closer to me. Kissing me on the lips, I place my hand on her back, savouring the moment. I close my eyes, when El suddenly giggles. "What is it El?" I ask, grabbing her chin. "I'm very happy Max. But I thought about what happened in the kitchen and found it funny." She says, sitting up. I sit up with her, and grin a little. "Well thinking back to it, I guess it was a little funny El." I say, playing with her bangs. Eleven snickers, before grabbing the collar of my shirt and planting a kiss on my lips. I close off the gap between us, before Eleven lays down, pulling me with her.

Max groans into the kiss. I push her away. "Something wrong?" I ask her. "Oh uh, nothings wrong El." She says. " made a sound." I say. "I just liked that feeling El." She says. I slowly nod. "Can we sleep?" I ask. Max nods. "Of course El." Max says, helping me get comfortable in her arms. I feel so safe with Max. I'm very happy she's here with me. I play with a singular strand of Max's hair as she sleeps. I slowly lean in to peck her on the cheek. Max tries not to smile, shutting her eyes a little tight. "Max." I say. She doesn't respond. "Max." I try again, but Max only bites her lip to stop herself from bursting into fits of laughter. I roll my eyes playfully and rest my head onto my pillow, and stare at the ceiling. "We can love whoever we want." I remember Max saying. I smile to myself.

I walk through the hallway and silently open my sisters door. I've had enough of her acting. There's definitely something happening in there. I open the door to her room to see Max, kissing a boy. So thats what she's been hiding. I smirk to myself and close the door quietly. So that's what had Max acting weird lately. A boy. In her room. Just wait till mom and dad come back from work in the evening. That little brat and her boyfriend will be in so much trouble...(sorry😭)

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