Chapter six

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I fumble with the bed sheets, waking Max up. "There is no way you're already awake in six am El." She groans. I smile and get out of bed. Sitting on the chair, Max gets up too, yawning. "Morning Max." I smile.

"Morning." I say back, opening the window to get some air, just to discover it was raining. "Morning Maxine." Dads voice makes me tense. I gasp and turn around, fearing the worst. Billy was beside him, Mom behind both of them. "Th-this isn't what it looks like dad." I stutter, looking at Eleven, sitting on my chair. "Max" she says, getting up. "Let's bring her back to that wretched lab of hers." Billy snickers. "Don't touch her!" I yell, running toward her only to be pulled away by Billy. "Sorry kiddo but she's a dangerous individual." A man's voice who didn't belong in here spoke up. Elevens eyes widened. "Papa." She whispered. "Let me go Billy!" I scream, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "Max!" Eleven yells to me, extending her hand as a couple of men drag her out of the house. "Max!!" Elevens screams echo. "El! No!!" I scream. "Maxine. Your gonna explain what happened here." Dad says. I start hyperventilating, my heart aching. "Give her back..." I plead, dad and Billy setting me down on the floor. "There will be consequences, Maxine." Dad says, patting me on the shoulder. "Sorry Max." Billy says. "Goodbye, Mayfields." The man Eleven presumed to be Papa, said before he left the room, everyone following behind. I whimper as a tear rolled down my cheek. I can't believe I didn't save Eleven. "Max!" A muffled yell comes from the window. I hurry to it. Upon opening the window, I spot eleven outside, struggling to fight people off. I start to shake. "I'm coming eleven." I whisper. I run down the stairs, past Billy and the others. "Max!" Moms voice calls after. I ignore everyone and run out into the freezing rain. I hear Els muffled screams coming from a black car. "El!" I yell, pounding against the glass. I jiggle the doorknob, But it was no use. Nothing was working. The engine starts.

"Max!" I scream, loads of tears streaming down my face. Papa just wipes them away. "Don't worry Eleven. We'll be back home before you know it." He says, holding my hand. I pull my arm away and look back at the window to see Max, already gone. I reach past papa and press my hands against the glass. Papa grabs my waist and simply pulls me back. "Max!" I cry. She couldn't have given up. She couldn't...

I sigh. I look around for anything that might help. Then, near me on the ground, i set my eyes on a sharp rock. The sides were jagged, perfect for breaking glass. I pull away from the window and grab it. Running back to the car, I pound against the glass one more time, getting the attention of Eleven, the man, and everyone inside it. "Let her go." I say, gripping the rock on my other hand, not visible from inside. The man shakes his head. "Fuck you!!" I yell, bashing the rock against the glass.

The glass shatters, instantly making the man duck. "Doctor Brenner!" One of the men yell. "Drive!" He yells back. The driver puts his hands on the steering wheel. I had to think fast. I look down on the wheel of the car, closest to me. I jab the rock on it, making it deflate. It hisses, loosing air. "No!" The man yells. I drop it and The man hastily wraps his arms around Eleven. She lets out a yelp as he pulls her farther away from me. Eleven then narrows her eyes. The car door unlocks, and I swiftly open the door. I pull the doctor away from Eleven and she hops out of the car. "Get back here!" The doctor exclaims. Me and Eleven both run the other direction, as all the men from the other cars run out. "Ohh, shit!" I mumble as a couple of them run in front of us. We run the right way, only to get cornered again. We look different directions, only to see that we were surrounded. "Enough, Eleven. We are going home." The doctor says. Eleven hides behind me, and I try to think of something.

I wrap my arms around Max. She takes my left hand and holds it, looking around. The men are slowly getting closer. "Max" I whimper. She was breathing heavily, staying close to me. A couple of me separate us. "El! Run!" She exclaims. I stay frozen. I couldn't let them hurt Max. A couple of men were walking toward me too. "If you don't fight, we won't have to restrain you. Okay?" One of them steps forward. My eyes were still glued to Max. "El!!" She says, struggling against them. I slowly bring my hand up to the men with her. "Hey! Don't try anything young lady!" The man says, taking something out of his pocket. I quickly bring my hand up to him, and push him away, hard. The other men start charging toward me, but I blast another one yet. They instantly tower over me. Papa nods as one of them reach into their pocket. I grunt, my emotions building up inside me. The men slowly back away from me, seeing my state. I let out a scream.

Eleven screams, shattering the windows off my house. Almost immediately, the men fly up into the air, screaming. I take the opportunity of surprise to get away from the men and run toward Eleven, who was still kneeling on the ground. The doctor gets up, slowly rising. "Leave us alone!" I yell.

I feel faint. The teenager's garbled message wasn't getting through. I slowly try to make my way to Eleven, who was scared, behind her. "Eleven..." I mumbled, before falling to my knees. Both of them cautiously move toward me. "Papa..." Eleven mumbles, slowly reaching down to hold my hand. She starts to tear up. "...I'm sorry." I say, before taking my last breath.

I wipe my tears away as Max looks at me, pitifully. She gives me a warm hug as I silently sob. Just then, from behind the smoke, a figure emerges. I gasp and Max stands up infront of me. The figure comes out to take the shape of a man. He had short white hair, a scar on his face, one blue eye and one green, and a pair of glasses. "Hello, Eleven. My name is doctor Zachary. Papa has told me so much about you." He says. He walks toward us, but takes a step back when he sees Max fuming. "Do not worry, young lady. We won't harm her." He reassures Max. "And how can I be so sure you won't?" Max questions. He smiles at her. "It's what I do." He says. "Now. About your family. Surely. They can't remember any of this. We have a thing for that." He says, as a woman walks up beside him, carrying some sort of machine. It had many buttons, and wires tangled around it. "This," he starts, carrying it. "Will make them forget any of this ever happened." He says. "But don't worry; we won't take Eleven. She can stay with you. But just not in your house, okay?" He says. Max looks back at me, then back at the doctor. "...Okay. But where will she stay?" She asks. "With us. We can't afford getting her to stay with a family. Her powers will surface eventually." He says. "Do not worry, young lady." He says. He then shifts his focus onto me. "It's all up to you, Eleven. If your up for it. If not, then you can stay concealed in Max's room for the mean time until we can figure something out." He says, pointing at me.

I look at Eleven. She slowly looks at me, then the doctor, at me, and the doctor again. She then slowly nods. "What?!" I exclaim. I drag Eleven to the side by her arm. "Look, El. I respect your decision. But is this really what you want to do?" I ask. She nods. I sigh, dropping my grip on her shoulders. "Guess there's no changing your mind then." I say. She nods, and a smile rises. "Doctor." She speaks. "How can we make them forget?" She asks. He smiles. "Come with me, children." He says, and we both follow him into my home. I gasp as my eyes land on my family, wires strapped into their heads, and they were slowly falling unconscious. "What are you doing?" I ask, charging toward them. "Max." Eleven pulls me back. I look back at the doctor with pleading eyes. "Like we said. We're making them forget about all of this." He simply says. "And the mess outside? How are you gonna explain that?!" I question. "Don't worry young lady. Everything will be all fixed by the time they wake back up. So they won't remember anything that happened. The only things they will remember is the things before Billy peeked into your room and witnessed you and Eleven." He says. Me and Eleven nod at the information we received. "Thank you doctor Zachary." Eleven speaks. He nods with a big smile. "It's zach. You can call me Zach for short." He says. "And your welcome." He finishes, before walking out the door. A woman walks up to us both. "Here. Keep this." She says, handing El a folded piece of paper. "What is it? I ask, as El takes it from the woman's hands. "The rules and information Doctor Zachary would like to give to you. Please read it and discuss it with him through this device." She says, handing El a cellphone before walking out the door. A groan comes from behind us and we both turn around to Billy, Mom, and Dad sitting up groggily. "Did I doze off?" Dad groans. Eleven smiles at me before turning back to my family. "Maxine. Who is that?" My mom asks, pointing at El. "I'm her girlfri-" Eleven starts before I cut her off, exclaiming. "Aaahhh! She's my friend! That is, a girl." I finish, wrapping my arm around El's shoulder, grinning like an idiot. "Oh. Why hello there!" Mom speaks, rubbing her eyes a little. "What's your name?" She asks. "Eleven." El says before I interrupt her yet again. "Elise! Her name is Elise!! But everyone calls her El for short!" I say. Mom nods. "We're gonna hang out in my room." I say, grabbing her hand. We both walk up into my room, and as soon as the door closes behind us, we both burst into fits of laughter. "I love you." Eleven says, still laughing. I just smile at her, sighing. "I love you too."
Eleven and Max had never been happier. Remember. Life is like a book. If you're ever in a bad chapter in your life, books always tend to get better.
But that doesn't mean the ending is close.

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