Chapter two

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I struggle to open my eyes. I immediately reach my arm over to Max when I realize she isn't there anymore. "Max?" I get up, looking around the room. I get up from the bed, looking around the room. Then, I hear voices outside my room. Angry voices. I press my ear against the door. "You better not spill anything there you little brat!" A boys voice says harshly. "I won't; now let me go Billy." A familiar voice says. Max! "What do you have in there that's so important anyway?" The boy asks before I begin to hear rapid footsteps. I grab a heavy object and raise it.

I open the door to my room, completely ignoring Billy. As I enter, I see Eleven, holding up my computer. "...Good morning." I say, as she lowers it. "What are you gonna do with that? Kill me?" I chuckle as she sits on my chair. "Here. I brought you breakfast." I say, bringing the food to her. "Potatoes?" She asks. I shake my head. "No El." I say, showing her. She frowns. "Sorry El. There's no more. If I can convince mom to make some more, I'll give you lots, okay?" I say. She smiles before nodding. "Thank you." She says. "Here. It's some bacon, some eggs and toast." I say, handing it to her. She starts to take a bite of some toast when a loud knock startles her. "Max!! Come out of there right now!!!" Billy yells, practically pounding on it. I roll my eyes.

"Max." I say getting her attention. "What?" She says. "Afraid." I say. "Don't worry. You'll be fine he won't come in." She says getting up. I instantly grab her hand. "No. You." I say. She raises an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I'm not afraid." She says, swatting her hand away from my grip. "Afraid you get hurt." I say. "I'll be fine." She says opening the door and quickly closing it behind her. I press my ear to the door, listening.

What do you want Billy?" I say, standing in the hallway blocking my door. "I don't know what your doing in your room. If you have a boy in there or any shit but if I get in trouble for it...." "You won't." I say. "I'm gonna wait in the car. Don't take too long alright?!" He says, pointing at me. I nod. "Good." He says, before walking away. I exhale. If he had gone inside I would've been in so much trouble. "Max" a small voice says from inside my room, muffled. I rush into the room, seeing Eleven still sitting. "Anything happen?" She asks, taking a sip of water. "Ah. Uh no." I quickly say. Eleven then raises her hand up and starts touching my face. I move my head out of her hand. "What was that for?" I ask. "Not hurt." She says. "Exactly. What I said. Nothing happened." I say, getting up. "Eleven I need to go to school. You stay here okay?" I say. "School." Eleven repeats. "Yeah, school. Don't go out of this room until I come back okay? I'll go to school, tell them I'm sick, then come back home. I'll just be gone for a few minutes okay?" I explain walking out of the room. I stop in my tracks and walk back again. "Hey El." I say. Eleven looks up at me. "Don't be dumb. Don't go out and don't open the door or anything. You don't know who that could be. Even if anyone says they know me or the people in the house don't believe them. We are not stupid." I say. Eleven slowly nods. I hurry down the stairs, seeing Billy already in his car. "Come on you little shit." He yells. I roll my eyes. "Don't give me attitude Maxine." He adds. I grab my skateboard and my bag.

I watch Max get in the car with Billy. She looks up at her window with her serious face. I wave at her as the car speeds away. I climb back down, sitting on her bed. What am I supposed to do now? She didn't tell me what to do. I know I'm supposed to stay in this room, that's for sure.

I stare out the window the whole ride. I hope El doesn't do anything stupid. Well if she ever gets into any danger, she has powers. She'll use them...right? "If your not out at the end of the day, your skating home!" Billy yells as I get out of the car. I run into the building and pass through numerous rooms, with students and teachers inside. I find my class and open the door. The bell hadn't rung yet, so I had some time to plan what I would say.

Few minutes. She'll be back. I know it. I look out the window once every few minutes to check. As soon as I hear a sound coming from downstairs, I immediately sit up straight. Max? I slowly open the door and tiptoe toward the stairs. Oh. Not Max. Max's family? I suddenly remember I'm not allowed to leave the room and carefully tiptoe back into Max's room and shut the door behind me. I sigh as I wait. Every second feels like a minute. Why do I want Max here with me so badly??

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