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Isabella's POV

I couldn't believe Alejandro and I talked all through the dinner and even after and I enjoyed his company.

The discussion was able to lift my spirit and get rid of my anger toward Jayden. Actually, I have no right to be mad at Jayden. I should have expected what he did this evening but I didn't expect it and that was why I was hurt.

I don't always get comfortable with strangers but Alejandro is different. I find myself opening up to him and telling him things I wouldn't have said to other people when we first met.

He is free-spirited and I guess that is why I was free with him. 

When he mentioned that I looked familiar, I realized I knew him too. He is the same Alejandro Lorenzo who scheduled an appointment with Jayden a few months ago but he never came. He missed the appointment and came when I was about to close for the day.

I don't know if I am supposed to tell them that I was Jayden's Assistant and I don't know if Jayden wants him to know 

Jayden and I stand in front of the smiling face, Alejandro. 

"I guess we will call it a night", he says, stretching his hand for a handshake. I take it and he shakes Jayden too.

I see his car is already waiting. He flashes me a smile. "I'll be expecting you guys in Italy by October. See you then."

He waves while I laugh. I know that won't be possible because Jayden isn't interested in going to Italy with me for anything. We didn't even travel for our honeymoon and I see no reason why he should leave his work just to satisfy me. I am not his real wife.

I just wish he could let me travel. I want to be free again and go to Verona. I don't care if I go there alone but I won't ask him.

He waves till he gets to the car and climbs in. Jayden and I watch as the car roars to life and takes off.

Alejandro is indeed a nice man.

"So you really want to go to Italy?" Jayden's question jerks me out of my reverie.

I snap my head to see him watching me closely.

I don't know what to say to that so I only nod and open the car door myself. Jayden seems shocked because he stands outside for a while before coming over to the other side of the door. 

Jude is quick to open the door for him and he slouches in beside me. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asks immediately as Jude ignites the car engine into action.

"No", I reply sharply without looking at him. He remains silent and leans forward to tell Jude something. I am not paying attention so I can't hear him.

"Let's go somewhere else", he says in a low tone and I turn to him with furrowed brows.

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