Chapter 1: A life forever Changed

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Ayano Shikayokozi is your typical 15-year-old girl. She loves her friends and family and she gets excellent grades at school. Ayano woke up in the morning as usual. She sat up in her bed and stretched her body. Ayano took in a deep breath and exhaled excitedly. She jumped out of her bed and ran over to her window. She watched on as the snow glistened from the sun. She gave off a smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts. Ayano then walked over to her calendar. As the calendar was showing, it is the month of Dayulhag. The year is coming to a close. Ayano began to get out of her pajamas and change into her clothes for the day. After she was done, Ayano grabbed a brush and began brushing her hair. "Ayano sweetie. Breakfast is ready," Her mother said from downstairs. "Okay mother. I'll be down in a minute," Ayano replied. Ayano then tied her long hair into a ponytail. She walked over to her closet and began pondering. "What coat should I wear today," Ayano asked herself. She began shifting through the variety of coats she has. "Should I wear the brown? No, the other kids make fun of me for it. Maybe the black one? No, it's too small for me," She said. Then, she came across a red and black fur-lined trench coat. A smile came across her face. "Daddy's famous trench coat! I'll wear it," Ayano squealed. She took the trench coat off the hanger and folded it over her arm. She then hurried out of her room and down the stairs. She arrived at the dining room. Her father and mother were already sitting at the table. Her father, Shota, was reading the daily newspaper while smoking his pipe. Ayano's mother, Tsuyu, was pouring herself a glass of milk. "Hi mom. Hi daddy," Ayano excitedly cheered as she sat down. Tsuyu had a warm smile on her face. "Hello sweetie. It's nice of you to join us," Tsuyu said. Shota let out a playful laugh. "Haha, yeah. It's nice to see you on time," He said, smoke bellowing out from his mouth. Ayano let out a small giggle. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Today is the day you're finally gonna let me shoot your guns," Ayano squealed with joy. Shota smiled proudly, more smoke bellowing out from his mouth. "That's right. Although, I think you should start on something small," Shota said while putting a pistol on the table. The pistol  was small. It was black with dark red undertones. Tsuyu playfully smacked Shota over the back of his head. "Shota! What have I told you about putting guns on the table," Tsuyu exclaimed. Shota smiled and laughed. "Sorry sweetheart. But I thought I should show Ayano what she's about to shoot with," Shota said. Tsuyu let out a sigh. "Couldn't you have shown her outside," She asked. Shota looked at his pocket watch to check the time. "I guess we could do this now. Ayano, you ready," Shota asked. Ayano practically jumped out of her seat. "More ready than ever," Ayano expressed proudly. Shota picked the gun off the table. "Then let's get shooting," Shota said. Ayano began putting on the trench coat she had in her arms. Both Shota and Tsuyu were surprised at seeing the trench coat. Tsuyu placed her hand over her mouth. Tears welded in her eyes. "Oh my," She said. Shota stood there in disbelief. Ayano looked up with a concerned expression. "What's wrong? Is everything okay," Ayano asked. Tsuyu smiled while wiping a single tear from her face. "Yes honey. Everything is okay. We just haven't seen that trench coat in ages," Tsuyu said. Shota adjusted his long wool hat. "Yeah. I haven't worn it since I was your age," Shota continued. Shota and Tsuyu got closer to Ayano. "I thought you lost it a few years back," Tsuyu said. Shota touched the sleeve of the trench coat. "I thought I did too. I was devastated. Where did you find this Ayano," Shota asked. Ayano pointed upstairs towards her room. "I found it in my closet. I don't know how it got there," Ayano said. Shota scratched his head in confusion. "That surely is strange," He replied. Ayano began taking off the trench coat. "Would you like it back," Ayano asked. Shota stopped her. "No sweetie. I think you should have it from now on," Shota said. Ayano was surprised by this. "You...You mean it," Ayano confusedly asked. Shota smiled and nodded his head. "Yes. I think it's about time I handed it down to you," Shota said. Ayano wrapped her arms around her father. "You know Ayano, your great-great-great-greatgrandfather was the one who made this," Shota said. This surprised Ayano even more. "He was," Ayano asked. "He sure was. This trench coat has been in the family for over 100 years," Shota said. Shota stood back and observed the trench coat. "Could you spin around real quick sweetie," Shota asked while twirling his finger around. Ayano twirled around. The trench coat lifted up due to the air. Shota smiled and crossed his arms. "I'm surprised it's in this good of condition. No holes at all,"  Shota said. Ayano ran to the door. "Yeah. Are we gonna go shoot the guns or what," Ayano asked. Shota followed closely behind. "Don't worry sweetie. I'm right behind you," He said. Ayano opened the front door and gust of cold air came through. "Make sure you two close the door this time," Tsuyu said from the kitchen. After getting outside, Ayano closed the door. Ayano could hear a muffled 'Thank you' from inside. Outside was a winter wonderland so to say. Children were playing out in the snow. People were driving up and down the snow covered road, either by horse or by car. Other people were cleaning off their sidewalks and driveways. Ayano rubbed her hands together as she forgot her gloves. Ayano reached into the pockets of the trench coat, hoping to warm them up. Instead, she felt something. She grabbed onto it and pulled it out. To her surprise, she was holding a pair of  black and white leather gloves. "So pretty," Ayano thought to herself. "Hey Ayano. You coming," Shota asked. Ayano snapped out of her thinking process. "Yes. I'm coming daddy," Ayano said as she followed Shota behind the house. Behind the house was a small shooting range. Shota pulled out the pistol from his pocket. "Now, do you remember the first rule of holding a gun," Shota asked. Ayano cleared her throat. "Always treat it as it's loaded," Ayano said. Shota smiled. "That's correct. Now, what's the second rule," He asked again. Ayano clenched her fists. "Only put your finger on the trigger if you're ready to shoot," Ayano said. Smoke bellowed from Shota's mouth. "Good job. Seems like you know your rules. Now, let's get to shooting," Shota said. Shota raised the gun up to one of the targets.  He had both of his hands on the gun. However, his finger wasn't on the trigger yet. "When shooting a gun, you want to be calm and collected. Being nervous while holding a gun is no good," Shota explained. Ayano nodded her head. Shota placed his finger on the trigger. "You don't want to fire from the hip. Always aim down your sights," Shota explained even further. Ayano payed close attention to her father's words. Shota pulled the trigger. A loud bang rang out and a small cloud of smoke came out from the gun. The bullet hit its intended target, which was a hay bale. Shota lowered the gun to his side and smiled. "And that's how you do it," He said. Ayano walked up to her father. "That was amazing daddy," Ayano squealed. Shota placed his hand on Ayano's shoulder and smiled proudly. "Thank you sweetie. Hold out your hand," Shota said. Ayano placed her hand out. Shota then placed the pistol in her hand. "I think it's time for you to shoot," Shota said. Ayano could barely hold her excitement. Ayano speed walked up to the firing range. Slowly, Ayano raised the gun up towards the targets, her finger not on the trigger. Ayano inhaled and placed her finger on the trigger. Shota was in the background watching. "Come on sweetie! I know you can do it. I believe," Shota thought to himself. Ayano then exhaled. Within seconds, Ayano hit all three targets. All of them had hit the bullseye. Ayano lowered the gun to her side. She turned around to face her father. "I did it daddy," Ayano joyfully squealed while putting one arm up in the air. Shota stood still in amazement. Ayano walked up to Shota. "Daddy? Are you okay," Ayano asked. Shota smiled and let out a small chuckle. "Haha. I'm okay sweetheart. I'm just surprised," Shota said. Ayano handed the gun back to Shota. Shota placed the gun back in his pocket. "You did great today," Shota said. Ayano couldn't hold back her happiness any longer and wrapped her arms around her father. "I love you daddy," Ayano said. Shota placed his hand on Ayano's head. "I love you too honey," Shota responded. Ayano and her father then walked towards the door. As Ayano reached for the doorknob, she could hear her mom on the other side. "Hold on you two. When you come inside, take your boots off right then and there. I don't want either of you tracking snow through the house," Tsuyu said. "Yes mom/dear," Ayano and Shota said. Tsuyu opened the door. Ayano came in first. She quickly took off her boots and placed them on a rubber mat. As she was walking through the living room, her father stopped her. "Ayano, wait a minute," Shota said. Ayano turned around and waited. Shota quickly took his boots off and placed them next to Ayano's boots. He then walked up to Ayano. "What is it daddy," Ayano asked. Shota reached into his pocket. "I think you earned this. Hold out your hand sweetie," Shota said. Ayano put both of her hands out. Shota pulled out his pistol and put it in Ayano's hand. Ayano looked down confused. "What," She asked. Shota closed his eyes and smiled. "It's all yours sweetheart. Think of it as a late birthday gift," Shota said. Ayano had tears in her eyes and smiled happily. Ayano lowered the gun to her side and hugged her father with the other. "Thank you so much daddy," Ayano said. "You're welcome Ayano," Shota said. Ayano kissed her father on the cheek. Shota placed his hand on Ayano's shoulder. "You should probably put that gun away. Don't take it out unless you have a good reason," Shota said. Ayano nodded her head before running upstairs towards her room. As she entered her room, she squealed for joy. "Daddy gave me his gun. I'm so happy," Ayano thought to herself. Ayano walked up to her dresser and looked in the mirror. She swept the hair from her face back. She opened up one of the drawers and placed the gun in. She then closed it. "There! That should be a safe spot," Ayano said. There was a knock on her door. Ayano turned around to face the door. "Who is it," Ayano asked. "It's me, Shina," Shina said through the door. Ayano smiled. "Come on in. The door's unlocked," Ayano said. Shina opened the door and came in. "Hey beste! How's it going," Shina asked as she hugged Ayano. "It's going great! Daddy finally let me shoot his gun," Ayano excitedly cheered. Shina sat down on Ayano's bed. "Yeah. I know. I could hear the gunshots a mile away," Shina said. Ayano sat down next to Shina. "Anyways, I think Douma likes me," Shina said. Ayano looked surprised. "Douma? You mean the boy that sits next to you in math class," Ayano asked. "Yeah. He always talks to me and blushes when I'm around," Shina said. Ayano laughed. "Maybe you should ask him out on a date," Ayano said. Shina blushed. "Yeah. Maybe I should. What about you," Shina asked. Ayano wrapped her arms around Shina and gave her a nuggy. "Aw Shina! You know I don't swing that way," Ayano said. Shina laughed. "I know. I just thought that maybe you changed your mind," Shina said. "Never. Boys are gross," Ayano responded. Suddenly, the ground shook and loud explosions roared outside. The two girls stood up. "What's happening," Ayano asked. "Artillery shells," Shina answered. Ayano ran over to the closet and put on a pair of wool lined boots and her father's trench coat. She then ran over to the dresser. "What are you doing," Shina asked. Ayano opened up the drawer and pulled out her new pistol. "Grabbing my things," Ayano said. Ayano then put on her gloves. Shina grabbed Ayano's arm and the two girls ran out of the room. They didn't get far though. As soon as they entered the hallway, the house collapsed and everything went black. The shelling continued for hours. Later, Ayano woke up in the ruins that were once her home. Ayano sat up holding her head. "What happened," She asked. Ayano began looking around. Her heart dropped as all she saw was destruction. "What? No! No! What happened," She asked herself. Ayano looked down at Shina. Tears welded up in Ayano's eyes. Ayano placed her hands on Shina's shoulders. "Shina! Wake up," Ayano said. She was given no response. Ayano began thinking of the worst. Ayano began shaking Shina. "Shina please! Please wake up! Don't die," Ayano screamed. Suddenly, Shina coughed. Her eyes fluttered open. Ayano grew a smile of relief. "Ayano? What happened," Shina asked. Ayano embraced Shina in a hug. "It doesn't matter now. What matters now is that you're alive," Ayano said. Shina sat up. "But what about your parents," Shina asked. Ayano's face quickly turned to a look of intense fear. "Mom! Daddy," Ayano screamed. Ayano got up and bolted downstairs, not even bothered about her injuries. She looked around the ruined house frantically. "Mom! Daddy! Where are you," She yelled. Ayano entered the kitchen to see a gruesome sight. A pair of arms stuck out from under rubble. Ayano stood there wide eyed, tears falling from her face. Ayano fell to her knees. "NOOOOO," Ayano cried out. Shina entered the kitchen with great concern. "Ayano?! What's wrong," She asked. Shina saw the pair of arms and her heart dropped. "Oh no," Shina thought. Shina walked over to Ayano. "I'm sorry," Shina said. Shina kneeled down besides Ayano and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm so sorry Ayano," Shina continued. Ayano accepted Shina's hug and cried into her arms.

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