Chapter 9: Gas Chamber

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Everyone stood on top of a steep but still somewhat walkable hill. Rui stood out in front as always. The sun was starting rise. The purple sky was now starting to outcast the black night to the other side of the planet. The soldiers looked up at the sky in amazement. "I have never been up this early before," Iori Takishimoka, a girl with bright red hair, quietly spoke.

Rui stood up out front as usual, facing the group of 213 females. "For your next drill, you will carry your fellow soldier down this hill while holding your rifle. Any questions," Rui asked. A short girl with medium fluffy yellow and black hair held up her hand. She had a dumb expression on her face. "What it is Junkana Yamazakiya," Rui asked begrudgingly. "What's the meaning of it," Junkana asked stupidly with her tongue hanging out like a dog.

Rui placed her hand on her own head, looked up at the sky and sighed. "It's so that you can carry your teammate if they ever get wounded on the battlefield," Rui explained. Junkana looked down at the ground. "Oh," she said in a somewhat disappointed tone. "Why are you even here," Rui asked. "I had a GPA of 0.7 at school," Junkana loudly stated.

Rui's jaw seemed to drop to the floor. "A 0.7?!?! How did the draft office even let you in," Rui asked even louder. "My older sister Takariko was supposed to join but she's extremely sick so I joined in her place," Junkana explained. Rui crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "You might be stupid but you're brave. I'll give you that," Rui said.

Rui stepped to the side. "You will be split into four groups," Rui said. The group of 213 girls split into four smaller groups. "The people upfront will go first as usual. Ayano will carry Michiru," Rui stated. "Yay," Michiru excitedly yelled as she jumped onto Ayano's back. Luckily, Ayano removed her rifle from her back otherwise, Michiru could've accidentally set it off.

"Oof," Ayano exhaled. "Next, Shinobu will carry Momo," Rui said. Shinobu smiled while Momo looked worried. "You don't have to tell me twice," Shinobu said, excitedly picking up Momo. "You've got to be kidding me," Momo thought. Rui then walked over to a pair of girls. They were about the same height. One of them had orange and blue hair that was tied into short braids.

The other girl had medium pink hair that was kept up by a butterfly hairpin. "Fumiyoka Sanozaki will carry Izumiki Fujimaki," Rui said. Fumiyoka, the girl with orange and blue hair, saluted. "Yes drill Sargent," Fumiyoka said in a raspy voice. Izumiki climbed on top of Fumiyoka. "And finally, Morikae Igasaki will carry Midorika Enojunako," Rui said. Morikae, a girl with short silver and black hair nodded at Rui, taking her gun off her shoulder and into her hands.

Midorika, a girl with a parted-left style green and Cyan hair, climbed up Morikae. The two girls didn't speak. Rui found this a little strange but brushed it off. Rui walked over and stood off to the side. "And now, begin," Rui ordered. The girls began running down the hill. The snow made it somewhat difficult. "Are you okay Ayano? You seem tired," Michiru. Ayano looked out of breath. "Your tits are heavy," Ayano gasped out.

Michiru blushed. "My oh my. Taking it up a notch I see," she said. Ayano's face colored red with embarrassment. "That's not what I meant," Ayano said. Shinobu and Momo were arguing, as usual. "This is not how you carry a lady," Momo stated. "Now's not the time for whining princess," Shinobu called out. Shinobu moved her hand down and grabbed Momo's butt.

Momo's face turned a bright red. "That is my rear that your hand is grabbing," She said. Shinobu had a mischievous smirk on her face. "Too bad princess," Shinobu said. Shinobu moved her finger in between and pressed inward. "Eeeep," Momo moaned. Momo quickly covered her mouth, her eyes wide open with shock. Shinobu's face looked the same.

"I apologize," Shinobu whispered, removing her hand from Momo's butt. Momo pouted her face. "Just don't do it again," She said. Ayano and Michiru reached the bottom of the hill first, quickly followed by Morikae and Midorika, then Shinobu and Momo, and finally Fumiyoka and Izumiki. The rest of the mountain descent took two hours.

Everyone stood at the bottom of the hill, some out of breath. "Oh God, what time is it," Momo asked. A short girl with medium length Auburn and red hair, Enoshi Wakabuka, pulled out her silver and white pocket watch. "It is currently 8:43 AM," Enoshi answered. Momo had a look of defeat on her face. She lowered her head downwards. "It's only been four hours?!?! This is all too much," Momo cried. Michiru grabbed Momo's hair and pulled her up.

"Oww! What was that for you little twat," Momo yelled. Michiru pointed forwards. "The drill Sargent is coming," Michiru whispered. Momo stood bolt upright in an instant. There was two things that Momo feared the most, dirt and the Drill Sargent. Rui stood in front of her group. She smiled. "I applaud most of you. You did an amazing job, especially you Junkana, I'm surprised," Rui said.

Junkana dumbly saluted while standing at somewhat of an angle. "My pleasure Drill Sargent," Junkana slurred. "The next lesson is somewhat very dangerous," Rui started explaining. "Oh boy! I wonder what it is," Michiru quietly thought. "You will be taught how to use a gas mask. For this, you will be put into a gas chamber and be exposed to a non-lethal gas known as riot gas," Rui explained.

Everyone stood in front of a large building. It was an octagon shape with a slanted roof. There was a fold out table right outside the door. It seemed to have gas masks on it. The gas masks were made out of rubber. It was red, black, and silver in color. They had two circular outtakes on the sides. The eye holes looked like a one way mirror.

It looked black from the outside. Rui, once again, stood in front of the group of soldiers. "Listen up, you will be ordered to grab a gas mask. Do not complain about the size as it will fit all. Once you grab it, you are to put it on and enter the building. Move, move, move," Rui ordered. Michiru was first in line, and so on and so forth.

Rui followed in behind the last soldier. The door was shut behind. Suddenly, the room filled with riot gas. Shimoko was visibly shaking. "This is too much," She shakily whispered. "Gas masks off," Rui ordered. Everyone took off their gas masks. The room instantly filled with coughs and gasps for air. Only Rui kept her gas mask on, for obvious reasons.

Ayano was sweating bullets. "So, this is what riot gas does? Not a huge fan of it," She thought to herself. Momo had her left hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes. "This is fucking torture. How can any human being bare this," Momo thought. Shinobu stood tall, almost not affected by the riot gas. The only noticeable affect was that her face was turning slightly red. "This is nothing," She thought.

"Gas masks back on," Rui said. Everyone quickly put their gas masks back on. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't get used to it," Rui said. "Gas masks off," Rui ordered after a few seconds. Everyone took off their gas masks. One soldier, a girl with parted pink and white hair, almost fell over. Luckily, Morikae caught her. Koko was on the verge of passing out.

Momo looked around sporadically. "This gas is getting to my head," She thought. Junkana had both of her hands cupped around her nose and mouth. Tears were pouring from her eyes. "I'm dumb but, I'm not dumb enough to breath this shit in," She thought to herself. Michiru was starting to break down. She could barely hold onto her smile. Snot was pouring from her nose. "Come on, keep it together. Just a little bit longer," Michiru thought.

"Gas masks on," Rui ordered. Everyone put on their gas masks. A loud clank noise could be heard from outside and gas stopped. The door opened. "Step out now," Rui said. Everyone barreled towards the exit. They took off their gas masks and breathed in deeply. "Fresh air! Finally fresh air," Shiko Sensosaki, a plump girl with blue and silver hair tied in a side ponytail, yelled out towards the sky.

Momo held onto the concrete wall and threw up her breakfast. Shimoko jumped back to not get splashed by Momo's vomit. "Oh shit! Threw up your lunch huh," Ayano asked. Momo turned around, vomit and drool still on her lips. "Don't you dare say another word about this," Momo threatened. Ayano backed off. "Fine, don't get your panties in a twist," Ayano said.

Ayano noticed Michiru looking up the sky. She walked over to her wondering what she was looking at. Ayano rested her right hand on Michiru's left shoulder. "What are you looking at," Ayano asked. Michiru smiled as usual. "Just enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful sky," Michiru explained.

Ayano looked at the sky with Michiru. "Yeah. It is quite pretty," Ayano said. Suddenly, the voice of their Drill Sargent caught their attention. "Everyone file back in line," Rui said. Within seconds, everyone was in formation. "Now, since it is currently 1:30 PM, it is time for lunch. I will let you know that you will have exactly one hour to finish your lunch," Rui explained. "Finally! Lunch time," Koko yelled with excitement. "I'm gonna need it after puking up breakfast," Momo grunted.

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