Chapter 4: Welcome to boot camp

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Ayano stood in front of the draft office. She grabbed her pocket watch and looked at the time. "Almost six in the morning. The others should be here soon," She said to herself. Ayano looked up at the sky. It was bright purple mixed with black. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. Ayano let out a deep breath, the air forming a small cloud around her. "Did I make the right choice," She asked herself. She quickly shook her head. "What am I thinking? There's no way out of this now," She said. Ayano sat down on the steps of the draft office. As time went by, more and more people came to the draft office waiting for the bus to take them to their new home. Ayano once again looked at her pocket watch. "It's eleven. Buses should be here soon," Ayano said to herself. Just then, a girl came running up to her. She looked to be about seventeen. She was tall, taller than Ayano anyway. Her breasts were also more developed. "Excuse me! Is this the draft office," The girl asked. "Is this girl serious? It says draft office on the building," Ayano thought to herself. Ayano smiled. "Yes, this is draft office. Are you perhaps here because you volunteered," Ayano asked. The girl smiled. "Yes! My name is Michiru Yakushimaru," Michiru explained. The two girls shook each other's hands. "Well, my name is Ayano Shikayokozi," Ayano said. "So, what made you volunteered," Ayano asked. Michiru cleared her throat. "My family's career has always been the military. I've decided to continue it. What about you," Michiru asked. Ayano looked to the side, visibly upset. Michiru grew concerned. "What's wrong? Was it something I said," She asked. Ayano shook her head. "No, it's nothing you said. I just don't want to talk about it," Ayano said. Michiru nodded her head. "Poor girl must've lost her family or something," Michiru thought to herself. Then, the buses arrived. "Hey, the buses have arrived. Let's go," Michiru said as she grabbed Ayano's arm. "This girl can't be all there," Ayano thought to herself. The two boarded a bus. Ayano looked around the bus as they passed people. There were actually more girls than Ayano expected. "Why are going all the way to the back," Ayano asked Michiru. Michiru smiled and giggled. "There's always more room in the back," Michiru answered. The two sat down at the back of the bus. Ayano looked content for the first time in a week. "I guess you're right. There is more room back here," Ayano agreed. Michiru placed both of her hands together and tilted her head. "I told you so. There's room for like six people here," Michiru said. Just as Michiru said that, four more girls came up. The bus started to move. The first girl looked like the tomboy type. She had a scar on the side of her face. She was wearing a crop top that exposed her six pack abs. The next girl seemed like a brat. She was wearing a frilly dress with heavy makeup. The third girl seemed to be confused as to where she was. She had dark patches of skin among her mostly white doll body. The four and final girl looked like she was rethinking her choice. She was shorter than the other girls. "Is this seat taken," The tomboy asked. Ayano and Michiru made room for the girls. "Please take a seat girls. The more the merrier," Michiru gleefully said. The girls sat down. "So, what are your names," Ayano piped up. "My name is Shinobu Fukushino. Also, I saw you looking at my abs earlier," Shinobu introduced. Ayano looked away, embarrassed. "My apologies," Ayano stuttered. "So then. Who's the one in the dress," Michiru dumbly asked. "My name is Momo Higashikuze and I'm better than all of you," Momo proudly gloated. Ayano looked pissed at Momo's statement. "Seems like she comes from a rich family and thinks she doesn't have to listen to anyone," Ayano thought to herself. "M-my name is Shimoko Inagaraki. Is this the bus for the football game," Shimoko asked. "This poor poor girl doesn't know what she's in for," Michiru thought to herself. "Um, no. This bus is headed for Fort Buzako. Ya know, for military training," Ayano explained. Upon hearing this, Shimoko began to panic. "W-What? What do you mean?! I'm not ready to die! Let me out," Shimoko cried out. Momo slapped Shimoko over the face. "Be quiet you little baby. You should've read the sign on the building before coming on here," Momo said. "Don't hit her. She didn't know," Shinobu said as she came to Shimoko's defense. Momo rolled her eyes. "Don't lecture me you peasant," Momo ordered. Shinobu angrily smiled as a vein appeared on her head. She cleansed her fists. "If you keep talking like that, I'll show you what this peasant can do," Shinobu thought to herself. "So, what's your name," Ayano asked the small girl. "My name is Koko Urakazumo. It's a pleasure to meet you," Koko introduced. Ayano smiled. "Finally! A considerate person," Ayano thought to herself. "So, where is this Fort Buzako anyways," Shinobu asked. Michiru tapped on Shinobu's shoulder. Shinobu turn around to face Michiru. "Do you know," Shinobu asked again. Michiru smiled brightly. "Fort Buzako is a few miles out of the town of Funaki," Michiru explained. "Funaki huh? My family used to go there for vacations," Momo said. Shinobu huffed as she crossed her arms. "I think you shut your mouth," Shinobu said. Momo looked at Shinobu with great offense. "How dare you," Momo exclaimed. Shinobu's fist shook in anger. "Oh I'll give you something to dare rich girl," Shinobu threatened. Ayano looked out the bus window with her head resting on her hand. "It's going to be a long ride," Ayano thought to herself. The bus drove down the road. The bright purple sky overhead. After hours of sitting on the bus. Ayano arrived at Fort Buzako. It was a huge military base. It was mostly used for training though. Ayano's bus was first one in line. "Well, here we are! Fort Buzako," Ayano said. "Ugh! Can't believe my parents forced me into joining. This place is filthy," Momo whined. Shinobu gently grabbed Momo's face and turned it towards her. "Well that's too damn bad sweetheart. It's gonna get a lot more filthier than this," Shinobu said. Momo blushed and pushed Shinobu's hand away. "G-get your hand off of me," Momo stuttered. Shinobu laughed. "Whatever you say," Shinobu said. The bus stopped in front of the main building. "Okay. Here we go Ayano. The beginning of your new life," Ayano thought to herself. Shimoko was hyperventilating. "Please tell me I can still go back," She asked. "Sorry Shimoko. You're stuck here until your contract ends," Michiru explained. "How long do they usually last," Shimoko timidly asked. "Anywhere between 6 to 8 years," Michiru explained further. This sent Shimoko into even more of a panic. "Of fucking God! We're all gonna die," Shimoko cried. "oh my God! I'm surrounded by idiots," Momo said under her breath. A man in a uniform walked onto the bus. "Alright listen up! My name is Sargent Shukishi Matsuzaki," Shukishi said. Michiru and Ayano looked at each other before looking back up at Shukishi. "Now! I am a drill Sargent. Everyone wearing this hat is a drill Sargent," Shukishi continued. "This is gonna take a while," Ayano thought to herself. "You will address us as drill Sargent. Do you understand," Shukishi strongly asked. "Yes drill Sargent," Ayano and everyone else said. Shukishi put his hands behind his back. "Now that we have that out of the way, I want everyone off my bus within 30 seconds. Now move," Shukishi ordered. Everyone began scrambling off the bus. They all filed into a line next to the building. "Alright! This Fort Buzako, your new home for the next two weeks while we get you processed," Shukishi said. "Two weeks here?!? This is disgusting," Momo said under her breath. Shukishi walked over to Momo. "what did you say," Shukishi strongly asked. "I said this place is filthy. It's not lady-like at all," Momo said. Shukishi crossed his arms. Veins popped up on his head. "Well that's too bad dollface. Maybe you shouldn't have volunteered," He said. Momo placed her hands on her hips. "I didn't volunteer. My parents forced me to come here," Momo stated. "I can see why," Shukishi said before walking away. Momo had her mouth open in disbelief. "How dare he," Momo thought to herself. Shukishi stood in front of a group, which Ayano was apart of. "Welcome to boot camp you maggots," Shukishi strongly announced.

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