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"I have the guess room set up. I got some clothes from your house, and bought you some underwear. You have everything you need, unless you need me to get something else." Buttah said softly.

Buttah went to pick up Sasha from jail. This is not the first time Sasha has been in jail, related to altercations with her husband. Sasha has been with her husband for 10 years, and he has been abusive for 5. When Sasha was pregnant 5 years ago; her husband emotionally and physically abused her. She ended up having a miscarriage at 16 weeks; the abuse continued thereafter.

Buttah always tried to help, and give advice but she usually waited for Sasha to come to her first. Sasha cried on Buttah's shoulder many days. Buttah was nonjudgmental and supportive. She understood how difficult it was to leave.

"He got into my phone and saw the text messages between me and Chase. We were arguing the day you called about meeting with Bless." Sasha said looking out the car window, as tears were falling down her face.

"I can't take it anymore. I told him that I wanted a divorce and he went crazy. He threw a vase in my face. I had to get 14 stitches above my eye. I'm ready to go to the gun range now. I'm ready to get a gun." Sasha said wiping her tears away.

"We can definitely do that." Buttah said driving into the garage.

"So what happened with you and Bless?" Sasha asked smiling at Buttah.

"We will meet this evening. I'm so nervous; we haven't even talked over the phone yet. All I know how to do is be myself. Either he take me as I am or don't take me at all." Buttah said.

"Yeah, if he wants something superficial, he's definitely talking to the wrong person." Sasha said while walking into the house.

Buttah had a two story house with 4 bedrooms, 3100 square feet with a balcony connected to her bedroom on the 2nd floor.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. I may be sleep for the rest of the day, but wake me up when you get home from your date." Sasha said while walking into the guess room.

"Hi, you look beautiful." Bless said to Buttah as he pulled the chair out for her to sit.

They both were sitting outside in the patio area of Starbucks.

"Thank you." Buttah said bashfully.

She had on a knee length sleek fitting dress with one split on the side, and sandals that wrapped up her leg. Her dress was dark orange, and it really complimented her complexion. The dress was perfect for the summer time. It seems that Bless and Buttah captured everyone's attention, as if they were celebrities. They sat at the table and looked at each other. Then Bless grabbed her hand, and asked her if she wanted something from Starbucks. Neither wanted anything, just being together was good enough.

"I feel like we met before. I just feel so comfortable being around you, as if we were destined to meet." Bless said to Buttah as he looked into her eyes, and continued to hold her hand.

Buttah felt as if Bless was looking into her soul, the chemistry was undeniable.

"I feel the same way and I definitely feel the connection." Buttah said as she started to feel more comfortable.

Bless and Buttah were talking for over an hour. They both were laughing and enjoying each other's company. They have already planned their next date.

As Buttah was laughing, she looked up and saw her children Taliah and Cheeky.

"Hey momma! I'm heading back to school today." Taliah said awkwardly as she looked over at Bless.

Buttah recognized that this may have been uncomfortable for both Taliah and Cheeky. She stood up to give them a hug, and introduced them to Bless. Bless stood up to shake their hands and sat back down. He seemed really cool meeting them and acted as if he was already apart of the family. Taliah and Cheeky both looked at each other, as if they were approving of Bless.

"I'm going to see a few friends, then I'm heading back to school too." Cheeky said as he kissed his mom on the forehead.

Taliah and Cheeky lived in the same apartment complex next to the university, but they had their own apartment.

"Ok, y'all be careful and don't forget to stop by the house to see aunty Sasha. She really need some love right now." Buttah said.

"Is she okay?" Bless asked curious.

" Yes, she's fine. She just haven't seen them in awhile." Buttah said looking away not wanting to engage in conversation about her friend's business.

"Well, I was asking because Chase had been trying to reach her. Evidently, they had gotten close, and she stopped responding." Bless said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll let her know and if she wants to, she will reach out." Buttah said cutting the conversation short.

"I really enjoyed talking to you, but I have to head back to the barbershop." Bless said standing up and he reached out to hug Buttah.

Buttah hugged him back and he kissed her on the forehead. She appeared very short, so a forehead kiss came natural for Bless.

"I enjoyed you as well. See you Friday." Buttah said looking up into Bless eyes, while they both still held each other close.

Buttah was the first to pull away and get into her car. "Whew chile! This man is fine and intellectual. Let's see where this goes." Buttah said to herself as she sat in her car.

"Hi Sasha!" Buttah said excited.

"How did it go?" Sasha asked, as she got on the couch and sat on her feet.

"We both have this magnetic connection. The chemistry is so strong; it's scary to me." Buttah said softly as she sat on the couch.

"Don't mess this up Buttah; he's not your ex-husband, but take it slow and see what happens." Sasha said.

"Oh, Chase has been trying to reach you." Buttah looked at Sasha.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to see me like this, and I was just in jail." Sasha said defeated.

"Hmph, and you telling me not to mess something up. Girl, call that man, and tell him the truth. If he really likes you, he will accept you and whatever comes with you." Buttah said.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll call him tomorrow." Sasha said and then jumped up with excitement, when she saw Taliah and Cheeky walk through the door.

"Come over here and give your aunty a hug. I haven't seen y'all all summer!" Sasha yelled out to them both.

"Where is Tavvy?" Sasha asked looking around.

"Tavvy is on a business trip. You know he's a workaholic." Buttah said yelling from the kitchen.

"Is it already time to go back to school?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, we both run track and track is like our life now. I didn't know it would be this hard. l'm one of the top three fastest on the track team and I'm a freshman." Taliah said smiling.

"That's great Taliah. Are the others girls hating on you because you're pretty and faster?" Sasha asked looking at Taliah.

"They seem nice right now. They do look at me funny, but they talk to me and make me feel comfortable." Taliah said.

"Ok, you know me and your mom don't play about y'all. Just let us know and we will be there. Sasha said.

"Whatever, you know you can't fight." Buttah said laughing, walking out of the kitchen with snacks.

"Well, I know how to knock people down." Sasha said laughing.

"Yes indeed! Sasha can tackle like a linebacker. Remember Nikita?" Buttah and Sasha start laughing.

"I bet she remember me, and those stitches she got when she hit her head after I tackled her. She started everything and I got tired of her bullying me. I couldn't fight standing up, but once I got you on the ground these hands could put in work." Sasha said.

"I'll see y'all later." Cheeky said leaving because he wanted to meet up with some friends before heading to school.

"I'm leaving too." Taliah said giving her mom and Sasha another hug.

"Okay, y'all be careful, and call me when you get there." Buttah said walking them to the door.

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