As the Autumn came with profound melancholy,
My vanquished self silently sat
Lured towards the tempt essence of the black coffee,
But shocked with the sudden bitterness it had.As the leaves descended off the trees,
I smiled at the thought how I wrote a whole book on you!
But you just drafted me as a trivial chapter,
And closed the book as it seems nothing so new.As the Autumn at first embellish,
But suddenly drains off, dropping the leaves on the barren land.
Wondering why the sun left so fast and loses hope,
Accepting the bittersweet Coldness in hand.Just like that I accepted your arid feelings,
In return to my hopeful ones.
Your sudden change from the enthralling fervour
To the ignorance that choke my lungs.It stabs me when you set your heart on someone else
And look for me only when you need,
But what makes me happy, you know?
Your smile and happiness, indeed.I quietly let you go and still,
Silently call you back,
You never hear my hushed scream
And I suffer from your lack.Your absence is replaced by the Cold
That holds down all my hopefulness.
It silences the Autumn's outer cry
But forgets the inner abstruseness.