Intro & Prologue

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(There's a video game store in the human world. There are posters on the windows announcing Splatoon 3's release day.)

(A worker inside the store is standing by the cash register with headphones on.)

Sound effect: Ding! (The door opens.)

(Girl walks inside the store. She has the ends of her hair dyed purple.)

(She walks to the side. Her purse has multiple Splatoon pins and keychains on it.)

Girl: Hm? (She stops at an empty shelf where all the Splatoon 3 copies are supposed to be.)

Girl: E-excuse me? (The worker turns his attention toward her.)

Girl: Sorry, but I just saw that your shelf of Splatoon 3 copies is empty. Are there possibly any copies left somewhere else? (She motions to the empty shelf.)

Worker: Oh yeah, it's Splatoon 3's release day. All our copies sold out real fast. (He takes his headphones off.)

Worker: I'll see if there's a few extras, but if not, you might have to wait until the next shipment.

Girl: Thank you so much! I've been really looking forward to the game. I meant to preorder it, but I never did... (The worker looks beneath the counter.)

Worker: Alright, good news. I found a copy for you that someone forgot to shelve. And you're lucky, it looks like our last copy.

Girl: Yes! Thank you! (He hands a copy to her.)

Worker: Enjoy.

Girl: Oh, I will! (She heads out after paying.)


Girl: [thought] Alright! Splatoon 3! (She turns her Switch on, complete with the pink and green controllers.)

Girl: [thought] I've been waiting for this for so long! I can't wait to play! (She looks eager.)

Girl: [thought] I just need to download all the data, and... (She presses a button on the controller.)

Girl: What? (She's surprised.)

Girl: The download time is five HOURS?! (The screen shows the download time.)

Girl: Uuuuuugh... (She flops onto the floor.)

Girl: What could possibly make the download time be so long? Does Marie need extra time to put her makeup on? Or did Pearl forget her lines? Or maybe Marina didn't show up to the game on time? (She laughs.)

Girl: Oh, I know! Callie got kidnapped again! That's why everyone needs some extra time before the game starts! They gotta rescue her! (She has a lightbulb appear over her head.)

Girl: Ha, I'm so stupid. The servers are all just busy with all the downloads for the release day. That's all it is. (She sits back up.)

Girl: Still, it would be interesting if all the characters are having their own adventure before the game officially starts. (She looks back down at the Switch.)

Girl: All of the little inklings and octolings in Inkopolis, each with their own lives. Wouldn't that be interesting? (The Switch slowly downloads the game.)


Three years ago...

The biggest issue I've had with my life is that it was never truly my own. (It's nighttime in Octo Valley, and there's a commotion going on.)

That's the way just about everyone around here is. (Multiple octolings are around a facility, most wearing goggles.)

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