Part 1 - The Beginning

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In the present...

Callie: Unh... What- what's going on? (A hypnoshade pattern goes across her vision)

Callie: Where am I? (Another pattern occurs.)

Callie: !--- Oh, no. (Another pattern occurs.)

Callie: Not this again! (Agent 4 is fighting Octavio and brainwashed Callie.)

(Marie comes in on the flying bus.)

(Both Callie and Octavio notice Marie.)

Octavio: Take her down!

Callie: Right! [Thought] No, no, no! Don't make me fight her, please! (Callie runs toward Marie.)

Callie: [Thought] Please move, Marie! I don't have control over myself! (Callie jumps over Marie's sniper shot.)

(Callie lands on the flying bus to Marie's surprise.)

(Callie throws multiple bombs at Marie, leaving Marie covered in ink.)

Callie: [Thought] Marie! I can't stop the control by myself! Please, help me! (Callie tackles Marie into the wall.)

(Callie takes out one more bomb.)

Callie: [Thought] I- I'm so sorry, Marie. (Callie drops the bomb.)

(Bomb ticks down and detonates.)


Callie: GAH! (Callie wakes up in her room with a start.)

(Callie jumps out of her bed.)

Callie: [whisper text] No no no no no no no... (She runs down a hall.)

(Callie creaks the door open to Marie's room.)

(Marie's asleep in her bed and Callie peeks in.)

Callie: *Phew* (She stands at the door.)

Callie: [Thought] Just another nightmare. (Callie looks down, closes eyes, slumps a bit, a bit shaky, and sighs, relieved, yet sad.)

It's hard to believe that it's nearly been a year since I've been free from Octavio's mind control. (Callie walks away.)

But even though it's been a while, it's been hard for me to move on. I mean, I was told to attack my cousin- my best friend- and this kid I didn't even know, both of which were just trying to help me. (Callie turns on a lamp in living space.)

I still remember how I got into that mess. (Callie walks through the living space.)

Despite having a busy life, I was really lonely at that time. I would've given anything to have a close friendship with someone again. (She sits by a window.)

That didn't really happen. (Callie glances out the window and sees her reflection. She's kinda sad.)

I tried to do things on my own for a while, even fighting the Octarians. But, I wasn't the same then. A mission went wrong and I surrendered to them... willingly. (She continues to think.)

I ended up regretting it. (She's a bit mad.)

But, thankfully, there were a couple of people who wouldn't give up on me. (But she's also relieved.)

And now, things are better, and I'm free. (Callie smiles out the window.)


The next morning...

Marie: C'mon, Callie. It's time to get up. (Marie faces Callie, who's draped over a chair, snoring.)

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