🌙Chapter 1🌙

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-3rd person-


A group of people toast their glass to eachother as they laugh and enjoy having a hangout. They take their drinks back to them and start to drink it straight.

It was cool breeze of night inside of the small restaurant , the group of senior students decided to drink for fun. Most of them already drunk and some of them are sobers. "Hey Mr. Fast Runner! Come and drink more and stop staring at your phone!" A rugby player name William Ellis offered a glass of Beer to a top runner name Naib Subedar who is wearing his usual black hoodie jacket most of the time, finally looking up to look at William then to the glass of beer he was holding. He isn't really a fan of drinking but it will be rude to not accept the offer from one of his sports mate.

Naib sigh and put down his phone. He took the glass and stares at it a few seconds before chugging the whole glass to his mouth. The rest of the group cheers and some of them laughs. After drinking the whole glass of beer he cough abit from the taste of the alcohol and then set the empty glass on the table. "That's our boy!" the other friend of Naib happily wraps his arms around Naib's Shoulders. The other guy is Norton Campbell, he have a burn scar at his other eye, they say that he got it from the accident during his vacation but he don't mind abou the scar anymore since people actually think he is a cool guy from it.

"Are you okay Naib?" a worried voice can be heard from one of the volleyball player name Martha Behamfil. Naib still can taste the beer at his tongue as he feel a bit dizzy for a while. "Y-yeah, I'm fine don't mind me " he waves his hand while the other hand is covering his mouth. "You don't need to drink it in one go if you really can't handle it that much" Martha replied. Naib clears his throat "Dont worry Martha, I can handle anything. Besides, I'm a cool guy" Naib said in full of confidence. Probably the alcohol kicking in to him right now.

Martha Chuckles and rolls her eyes. "If you say so Mr. Subedar" after that, she stop giving Naib some attention and start to talk with the girl next to her name is Vera Nair. She is a model of their school , Also likes to make her own perfumes. This two really close to eachother.

Naib thought about doing some smoke. So he decided to get up from his sit and his phone. "I'll go out for the smoke" Naib said and the others noded. After telling the others, Naib go out from the restaurant to the alleyway to smoke his cigarettes.

He pull out his lighter and a cigarette and start smoking. He puff some smoke while looking at the night sky. He hold his head groaning from the dizziness. "Dammit..." He hissed and rested his head at his hand before continuing to smoke.

Hoot... Hoot...

Naib's attention was caught by the owl's noise. He look up and look around to know where the noise came from. He look at the nearby tree and saw a white owl, fur is white as snow. Naib was amazed at the owl's appearance. He have urge to touch it's feathers if he can, but sadly he can't. All he can do right now is just watch the owl from far. Naib lean on the wall and proceed to smoke. He puff the smoke out and started to talk even it's just himself. "You look really so pretty... Wish i could pet you." He spoke to the owl. Even he knew it doesn't understand him.

A few minutes later, voices of his friends can be heard outside. He take a peek and saw his friends was out now, drunk as hell. One of his friend who is wearing a face mask was helping Norton who is look so drunk right now. "C'mon Norton , Get up on your own and Move" Aesop Carl , Member of the Art Club , was helping the drunk Norton to walk. Poor him.

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