🌙Chapter 6🌙

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-Naib's POV-

Things are back as usual days before i met Little one. I woke up expecting the owl right next to me on the bed when i remembered that they no longer there and finally flew away that night. I sigh and lazily get up from my bed. The changes kinda bit bothering.

In fact, I feel lonely again in the house.
I sit at the edge of my bed and look at my desk. The feather little one left is there. Just sitting on the clean desk. I stretch out my hand to get the feather and it's a success. I gently holding the feather, afraid to broke it or something that will make me feel upset.

I look around the room before standing up, walking to the cabinet. Opening it and took a box that was set there since then. I opened the box and take one of the necklace rope that i found in the box.

I quickly tried to connect the Feather on the necklace . It kinda took about 3 minute before i could finish it. I observe the necklace before smiling proudly. I set the necklace on the desk and rushed to take a shower. Readying for school.

I remember that Ganji is Planning to pick me up today. So i kinda hurriedly eat breakfast because i heard a honk of his car. I opened the door to the outside when I suddenly remember something.

'Shit' I almost forgot one thing. "Ganji, Wait! I forgot something" I rushed back in the house and to my room. I took the necklace and wears it. After that, i rushed back outside and locked the house , of course , we don't want coming back in out home with house being messy or missing some items in it right?

I sat at the back of the car, Ganji turn his head to me in confusion, Raising his eyebrow to me. "And what did you Forgot?" he asked. Looking back to the front. "Something that is really special to me" I answered, holding the feather to my chest. "Alright then Mr. Speedrunner" He said in Chuckles before starting to drive. I roll my eyes in annoyance at his reply. In the front passenger sit , there's Vera. She is fixing her make up.

"Where's William and Martha? Aren't they supposed to be with you?" I asked , as I noticed that they aren't in the car with them this time. "William is sick so he can't come to school. Meanwhile, Martha have to go early because the teacher messaged her about something " Vera replied to the question, while still doing her own thing. "Something? Like what?" He asked. Vera just shrug her shoulders.
"Understandable" i said before making myself comfy at the car sit. Closing my eyes while Crossing my arms together while leaning comfortably at the sit.

"By the way Naib , Where did you get that thing on your neck?" I open one of my eye to look at Vera. She was pointing the Feather that was attached at the necklace. "Uh Believe me or not i got it from an owl" I replied.

"Oh, The pet owl you got" She said. "Yeah- wait-" I paused realizing something. "How did you know about the owl?" I asked so confuse because I don't think I mentioned something to Vera about the owl.

Vera took her phone out, scrolling through something as she swiping her phone a bit and pressing something. After that she faced the phone screen to me.

At the phone , there's an image of Norton taking a selfie while Aesop holding little one to his arms. "Norton sent me this pick back then. He told me you adopt an injured owl" She said pulling the phone back to her. "Atleast let me see the owl and pet em" Vera crossed her arms. "Me too Naib" Ganji joins.

I scratch back of my head and awkwardly laughs. "I mean , I will let you but..." I look down. "They no longer lives at my house" I added.

"What? Why?"

"They finally completely healed and can fly. So after that , I set them free back to the wild" I explained. Vera noded. "I knew I should come over to you sooner that time" she said before turning back to face the front window.

After a few minutes later , we finally arrived at the school. The Car stops at the side of the School Gate entrance. Me and Vera came out from the Car First before Ganji could.

We three finally walked in the school grounds. As usual , The view of the school still look nature as usual. Sir Orpheus really did a great job organizing the school. But somehow there's crows flying around the school after the School hours.

We already asked him about the crows and he only answer is they are his Pet Crows. It really surprised most of us about that reason. This is Oletus Academy anyways. He owns the school and probably that make sense also about the crows. Atleast there's no incidents happening that relates about the crows.

"Naib..., Naaaaaiiibbb Subedaaaaar" A hand snapping and waving infront of my face. I blinked few times before looking at the person who doing it. ", "Hi, Are you awake now?" Ganji asked , face tilting a bit. Took me awhile of process before start opening my mouth to speak.

"Ah- My bad. Just some thoughts on my mind" I answered, backing away a bit. "Is it about the Owl?" He asked. I shaked my head. "Then what is it?" he asked again. "It's just that , About the Crows in this school" I replied in sigh.
"OOHHH, Mr. Orpheus 's Pet Birds, Still can't believe that he have a bunch of Pet Crows, Kinda Scary to be honest" Ganji look around. "But i think talking about the crows isn't a good idea. Especially if we bad mouth about it , right?" I just shrugged.

"Come on , Let's check Martha out" Ganji grabbed my arm and dragged me with him.

. . . .

-Third Person-

Martha was sitting on chair while talking with the owner of the school, Orpheus . They are checking some kind of files and stuff when suddenly there's a knock from the door. Martha turns her head to the door and stood up, opening the door and was now facing the other three students. Martha smiles and turns her head to the owner who sitting and still looking through the papers.

"Sir Orpheus? May i let my friends in?" Martha asked politely. "Sure Ms. Behamfil" He gestures his hand that have pen, swinging it a bit to tell her to let them in. Martha smiles and thanked him, letting her three friends in the room.

The other three quietly went in the room. Mr. Orpheus looking up to look at the three. "Ah, Mr. Gupta , Ms. Nair and Mr. Subedar" He smiled while looking at the students. "Do you need something?" He asked. "Uhm, Greetings Sir, we just want to check on Martha and also wanna know what's happening" Vera spoke , since she knew the two other boys are either too scared to talk or just being shy.

Orpheus adjusted his glasses. "Hmm, is that so?" He leaned on the chair more while crossing his arms. Vera noded in response. "Well, there will be new upcoming student to the Orpheus Academy" he picked up the paper that was separate at the rest and looking through it. "New student?" Ganji asked , and in response Orpheus hums. "You heard it right. His surely a Mysterious one to be honest. No records that much about him , but he said that he would like to apply to this school for unknown reason" Martha said , Eyebrows kinda scrunching up.

"Then if his kinda suspicious then why did you still let him in?" Naib finally joining the conversation. "Not exactly suspicious, Mr. Subedar. His more like a shy guy if you spoke to him in my opinion," Orpheus replied.
"And , Isn't it weird enough that you witnessing crows outside the school before going home?" He added while chuckling.

Naib was about to say something but a bell suddenly rang. Stopping him from what he was about to say. "Well kids , It's time to go to your classes." Orpheus said while he continue to write something on the paper. "Alright Sir Orpheus! Just call me if u needed" Martha said waving to him before dragging her friends back outside the room. "Let's go!" She said before walking away , the rest follows.

'Sir Orpheus, what the hell are you trying to say? And a new student coming? I wonder who he is' Naib thought about it. He sigh in frustration.

'Whatever , It's not like I would talk to them'

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