🌙Chapter 10🌙

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Naib finally went in to the classroom. Setting his bag down and sitting on his perspective chair. The students in the class are mostly just chit-chatting or just minding their own business. Naib is just looking on the window, staring at the endless clear blue sky.
His not really a fan of the noise in the class so he distracting himself by looking at the view outside

But that distraction stopped when the bell finally rang and few minutes later the advisor walked in the class as usual with the paper holder at their hand.

She stands infront of the class, wearing the usual uniform for teachers, have a long Black hair, always holding a fan and face is pretty as geisha. She smiles softly while looking at her students before turning her head at the slight opened door of the classroom. Naib raised his eyebrow to the advisor. His not sure why the teacher look through the door.

She clear her throat before start speaking softly. "Okay Class. It might be surprising for some of you but at the same time I know you already heard about the new student" she motioned her hand at the door. The door opened slowly and the new student is revealed behind it.

It was the same guy Naib met on the rooftop. Naib's eyes widen Because of this. 'Its him again...' he wasn't expecting to see him again as his new classmate.

"You may come in now Mr. Clark" Michiko , the Advisor herself at the Class A , said to the short brown hair boy. He noded in response and shyly stepping in the class , hands holding eachother while standing infront of the class.

"So his the new student...."

"He look so cute..."

"I wonder if his single.."

Whispers and Mumbles from the students can be heard by Naib. He glares at the other students without letting them know he did before turning his attention back to the boy who standing nervously infront of the class.

"H-hi , My name is Eli Clark... It's nice to meet you all and I hope we could get along" He smiles at the class nervously. The other students awe from the boy's introduction and the other just stares or talking to eachother. "Great, Eli Clark you may sit right next to Naib Subedar who sitting right next to the window right now." She Pointed where he is and this make Naib surprised from the sudden sitting arrangement his teacher gave.

"Mr. Subedar, Is it alright for him to sit over there with you?" Michiko tilt her head while looking at the stunned Boy. Naib cleared his throat before saying , "yeah sure, I don't mind...".

He look back at the new student and he saw how excited the other look before walking to his direction to sit right next to him. Naib just stay awkwardly silent. He isn't really good starting a conversation nor making friends easily, it just happened Norton to drag him with the other and ended up being friends with them also.

Michiko started to check attendance to her students.

"Hey.." Naib Jolted from the voice , turning his head at Eli. "Are you okay? You look so tensed up" he said worriedly, Just whispering his words out loud enough for Naib to hear. "Ah- yeah... I'm fine.." he said , looking down on his desk, feeling so awkward in the Situation.

Eli smile softly to him before saying something again , "If you dont feel comfortable, I can just sit somewhere else" Eli stares down to his desk , this makes Naib feel bad . In fact , he doesn't actually want him to move away.

"You don't have to. It's just that , I still can't get over about the first encounter we have" Naib whispers, blushing in embarrassment, looking away from the other.

Eli just stare at him , Before a smile thugs to his face. He chuckles softly, making sure to not do it loudly. "Let's just forget that happened and think this is our first meet, Okay?" Eli turn his head back to the front row, Resting his chin on his palm.

Naib turns his head back to the other, now that he seen it closer, The glasses boy have a very interesting eye color shade. It is somehow like Crystal Blue that might look pretty if it's under the moonlight. He wonders if his images is right if that happened.

He shaked his thoughts away and sigh. "Okay..." He finally responds.

. . . . . .

-Time skip-

-Lunch Break-

Everyone stood up and one by one went out the classroom. Some of them hurriedly came out and the others still in the room , either they still busy chit chatting with the others or aren't really that hungry. Naib sat up from his sit after stuffing back his stuff in the bag. He sigh in relief that he finally can rest his brain for a while.

Naib turned his head to his sit mate, he realized that the other male fallen asleep on the desk, the boy resting his head on his crossed arms while burying his face between them. Naib doesn't know if he should wake the other up or not disturb him from his slumber.

He closely observe the features of the other by leaning down,  his brown hair look so silky but fluffy at the same time and the skin look so soft and bright like some girl who always having skin care for their daily life, the urge of Naib of wanting to hold and feel the skin of the other just making it feels weird. "Yo Naib" Naib Flinched from the call as he immediately straightened up and turned his head to it.

Norton was leaning on the door , Crossing his arms while raising his eyebrow. "Are you coming or are you just gonna weirdly Stares at the new student?" He asked. A tint of blush appears both of Naib's cheeks.

He clicked his tongue. "I'll be there any minute, you can go to the others now if your that much hungry" Naib said crossing his arms.  The taller one chuckles and roll his eyes. "If you say so, just make sure to not be weirdo there" Norton waves his hand and starts to walk away from the door, probably going to the cafeteria now.

Naib's eye twitched from annoyance but calmed himself down after , He then turned his attention back to the still sleeping student. He gently shakes the other and start to speak softly to not scare the other.  "Eli , Wake up , It's lunch time" he said . The other groan from his slumber and finally raising his sleepy head, adjusting his glasses properly and stretches his arms. "Mh... It's over?..." Eli said in a tired voice. "Yeah, wanna come and join lunch with us? " Naib asked , looking at the tired face of the other.

If Naib gonna be honest, the other look so adorable when he woke up, he  act like his owl friend on how he woke up. 'Wait..' Naib shakes his head. Why would he compare the boy he just met with his friend owl that just recently set free?. He hold his head from the thought.

He finally snapped out from his own thoughts when Eli finally sat up from his chair. The blue eye boy look at the other . Naib stares at the other, now realizing that the other is taller than him.

"Alright, Let's go" he smiles.


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