Chapter One: Stop That, I Mean It

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I can't believe it! I really fucking hate Craig and Tweek. I'm not judging them because they're gay, I'm not angry about it either. I'm pissed that they made it public which seemed to make it ok for everyone else to be gay.

As soon as one person does it, everyone else grows a pair and does it as well.

Until that point, they're just pussies.

That's how it is right now. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place thanks to the two. Two specific people have been staring at me since the day the second homosexual couple, Kenny and Butters, came out about it.

And of course, of all people to be watching me, it had to be Stan Marsh and Eric Cartman.

Stan is, was, and will always be my best friend. On the other hand, Cartman is a fucking bitch, asshole, douche bag...

I think I could come up with a few other words for it.

But that's besides the point. I hate him, he has shown all signs of hating me, and that's all there is to be said. There should be nothing past that.

I sigh, sit on my bed, and take out the homework needed done by tomorrow. I have to keep up my grades.

As soon as possible, I'm getting out of this town. I'm just about sick of all of the shit that has happened in this place, and I don't want my future family, whoever that consists of, ending up growing up the same way as me.

It's worth leaving everyone, maybe even Stan, behind.

After I'm finished with my homework, I lay down on my bed, hands behind my head, staring at the cieling. I start thinking about the math from earlier today when I hear something tapping at my window.

I bend my head backwards to see what it is. I mentally groan when I see what looks like Cartman hanging from the roof like a bat.

I turn over onto the floor, landing on my feet like a boss, and walk over to the window. I slightly open it.

"What do you want, fatass?" I ask. He actually isn't that fat anymore. He has lost some fat, and seemed to immediately replace it with muscle.

"Nothin'. My house is occupied right now, and I need someplace to stay the night." He says, shaking from holding himself up.

I feel my eye twitch. "Go somewhere else." I reply.

He lets out a long breath. "I can't. Stan and I aren't on good terms right now." Gee, I wonder why. "Please let me in, Kahl. This really hurts." I think for a minute.

"Give me one good reason." I tell him.

A smirk spreads across his face. Oh god, that's not good. "You remember that time in seventh grade?" My eyes widen.

God, no! "Fine." I open the window all the way. He climbs into my room and lays on my floor, panting.

"Oh my god... that hurt..." He says. He slowly gets up. "Stupid Jew." He says, smirking.

He's up to something! Not good at all! I back up a bit. "Cartman, don't you dare do anything, or I swear-"

He rolls his eyes. I watch his hand go into his pocket and pull a small rag out.

My guess is that it's chloroform. He starts walking towards me. "What are you going to do about it, Jew?" He asks. I open my mouth to speak, but he launches at me. I try to move out of the way, but I trip over a stack of books. Damn math. Before I can get up to leave, he gets to me and puts the rag over my mouth and nose. I hold my breath as long as possible before even daring to breath in. As soon as I do, everything around me gets dark and I feel myself fall alseep.

Choose Wisely(Kyle Broflovski x Stan Marsh yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now