Chapter Three: I Hate You So Much

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I sit in last period finishing up my math homework and waiting for the bell. I finish my last problem and put everything having to do with school away. I sigh and look at the clock. There's still seven minutes left of school. Everyone else in the room is either sleeping, trying as hard as possible to finish their work, or texting other people. I just sit in silence, looking all around the room and waiting for someone to come up looking for homwork answers.

Eventually, the bell rings and everyone comes over to my desk.

"Broflovski, you owe me one."

"Can I please see your work?"

"Can you just, ya know, explain this? Talk me through it?"

Everyone crowds me looking for answers.

"Solve the problems yourselves. If you can't do that much, then why do you bother to show up for school?" I ask them all, getting up and pushing my way out of the classesroom. I get to my locker and put everything I don't need away, while taking with me my backpack and a few books.

I close the locker and walk out of the school to wait for the bus. After a while, all children who ride this bus make it before the bus shows.

I see Stan and sit in the aisle next to him. Cartman sits in the seat opposite of mine and Stan's.

After about a minute, we start moving and start going.

After we reach the bus stop, I get off with the other two. I walk back home without looking back. I just wave and say goodbye without looking at either of them.

I slowly walk home with an odd feeling. I just feel like someone's following me, so I turn around.

No one and nothing is there. I stop moving and look all around me. Nothing. I turn to a nearby building.

Slowly, and reluctantly, I walk over to it to look around the corner. Someone is there... I know it, so why am I looking?? It could be a murderer, or worse, Cartman!

I shake my head and look anyways.

I slightly see someone run past the other corner. I get over curious and start running to follow them. Each turn I take, they're a step ahead of me and takes the next turn. I don't see who it is, so I stop and start running in place. After a half a minute or so, I see Stan turn the corner I last took and unintentionally knock into me. We fall over and he lands on top of me.

I just look at him and cringe. "That hurt." I say quietly.

He looks up. "Sorry about that..." He says quietly.

"Why were you following me?" I ask.

"I... I'm sorry. Cartman wasn't going the right way that he needs to go home, and my trust level for him currently is microscopic. I just wanted to make sure he wouldn't do anything bad." He explains the whole thing, sitting up a bit. I sit the top part of my torso up.

"Okay... I believe that... can you get off please?" I ask him.

He doesn't move for a second. "What if I can't?" He asks me.

I stare at him and feel my face heat up a little. I think for a second. I quickly flip us over to where I'm on top of him.

"Then you don't have to." I stand up and pull him to his feet. He looks at me with a small smile on his face. "I have to go home." I say.

He nods. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'll walk you there." He says. We start walking away from the builing and to my house.

When we reach the house, I see Cartman standing at the front of the house.

"What do you want, fatass?" I immediately say. He chuckles.

"You might not want to go inside Kahl. Your mom's pretty pissed off at you." I look at him in confusion. "Oh, and you might want to take this and watch this. Bye!" He hands me a bag and a camcorder and runs off.

"What the hell?" Stan asks. I immediately take him to the back to watch whatever is on the camcorder.

We sit down and start looking at it.

"Hello, Kahl, and probably Stan. Yes, I do believe you are there Stan."

Cartman on the video says. Oh shit, he planned something out!

"Anyways, everything is already done, so I have no problem saying everything I need to say. I ran to your house as soon as you looked away. I knew that Stan would follow you to be sure I wouldn't do anything to you. That bought me time, knowing that you would bump into each other and talk for a bit before moving on. In the meantime, I put my plan through. Remember that first note from yesterday, the runaway note? Well, I thought it was a great idea, so I continued it." Shit!! "I put another note in and waited for your mother to find it before leaving. Don't worry, I got you clothes and stuff. And if you don't believe any of this, check the second video."

That's the last thing he says before the video ends. I change the video to the second one.

"Watch this." Cartman immediately says. He moves the camera to a piece of paper. Mom, I'm running away. I can't stand living here anymore, so I'm going to live with my BOYFRIEND. You'll never know who it is, and no matter how hard you try to find me, you won't. If I ever do come home, consider it a miracle. But it will never happen. I will just run away again. Goodbye, Kyle.

Fuck!! That basterd!

The video moves to Cartman putting it on my bed. The video immediately changes to the living room with my mom in it. She looks at my dad. "Gerald, do you know where Kyle is? He should be home by now." She says. My dad shakes his head. "I'm going to be right back." She stands up. The camera changes back to my room. My mom walks in it after knocking the door. "Kyle?" She asks. She sees the note on my bed and rushes over to it. In a second, she reads it. "Gerald!!" Cartman climbs down from the see my room. When he reaches the ground, he starts laughing.

"Good luck dealing with that, Kahl!" He yells. The camera turns off. I stand up. Suddenly, the camcord starts smoking and sparking. I throw it on the ground and watch it burn out.

"Shit... that was the only way mom would believe me..." I say quietly. Stan looks at me. "We have to go to your place. I don't trust this." I tell him.

We run to his house and go to the back. There's a bag and another camcorder. We sit and watch it.

"I knew this would happen. I did the same thing to you, Stan. My plan is working perfectly if you're watching this. If you don't believe that this happened to you, then watch the next video." We turn it to the next video and watxh almost the same exact thing happen to Stan. The camcord starts burning out and smoking the same way mine did.

"Oh hell. Mom's gonna kill me... we need to get out of here, if she sees me, I'm dead." We get up, carrying the bags we got and getting away from our houses. I hate Cartman so much right now...

We run for a while. My legs start to ache and we start walking. I control my breathing and look at him. "What are we gonna do now? Our parents will check with the shool for at least a week and we're in deep shit if they find us. Actually, the school will contact them if they even see us." I say.

He looks at me and shrugs. "I dunno. Find some place to stay awhile. Get ourselves either ready to kill Cartman, confront or parents, both, or just live like homeless people." He says. I laugh a little.

"Let's just lay back for a bit and decide what to do after finding some place to stay." I say. We just continue walking.

Eventually, we reach the old elementary school and move around to the back since no one ever goes there. We stop when we hear crying. I get concerned and confused, so I peek behind the wall. Sitting against the wall just crying and shaking is Butters.


Choose Wisely(Kyle Broflovski x Stan Marsh yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now