Chapter Five: I'm Back

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I sit on the edge of a building with Stan right beside me. I stay there with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me holding my side.

"Are you sure you want to?" He asks me. I nod.

"I want to go home Stan. I don't care if mom grounds me or whatever. I just want to go home. You need to, too." I say quietly.

"Yeah..." we sit there for a while. "When should we?" He asks after a bit.

"I'm ready anytime." I tell him.

I hear him sigh. "I'm gonna miss falling asleep next to you every night and spending my whole day with you. That definitely was nice." He says.

I smile and feel myself blush a bit. "Yeah..."

We sit in silence for a moment. "Hey, remember that question I asked you a while back?" He asks me.

I think for a second. "Which one?"

"The one on the night Cartman kidnapped you and tied me up in my own room?"

Oh, that one. 'Is it bad that I fell in love with my best friend in the world?'.


"That one... yeah I remember it." I say.

"I was just thinking, and starting to wonder, whether your answer means anything now or not."

'I wouldn't say so.'

I try to think of the answer to this. No, it's not bad by any means, but I don't know if my answer truely ment something then. Does it mean anything now? I mean, I'm sitting here with my head on his shoulder, enjoying the view, and we're talking about how much we're going to miss being with each other 24/7, but does it really mean anything? Many people would say yes, that this is definitely showing 'true love' or whatever in its fullest. For me, though... I still don't really know...

"Believe me or not, I still don't know." I say quietly.

He sighs again. "I believe you, and I understand," He starts. He kisses the top of my head. "But I'm getting a bit impatient." He says.

My face gets a little redder. "Don't get too impatient, it'll end up bad." I tell him.

"Maybe for you but," My heart skips a beat and I stop breathing for a moment. "Sorry..." I hear him say.

I clear my throat. "So, when are we gonna go home?" I ask him, changing the topic.

"Hmm..." He pauses for a second. "Tomorrow. I want to stay with you for the whole day today." He says.

"Alright, so what are we gonna do today?"

He doesn't answer for a second. I try to think. "I'm not sure. I just want to spend today with you."


We stay there at the edge until we get hungry. We get up and go over to our supplies to grab some money. We leave everything else behind and head down the builing to get some sort of food.

We find some small dinner that we don't see our parents at and we decide to eat there. The prices are low, the food looks pretty good, so why not?

We go in, order food, and just sit side-by-side waiting to eat. The waitress comes back with food. We slowly eat.

After we finish, we go back to the dead building, not knowing what else to do. He gets up and walks over to the bags while I sit on the edge, waiting for him. He comes back after a minute with a bag of chocolate chips. My eyes widen. "When did you get this?" I ask him.

Choose Wisely(Kyle Broflovski x Stan Marsh yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now