Chapter Eight: It's All Over

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I slowly open my eyes and groan. Where am I? I let my eyes adjust and see that I'm in my own room. I look around a bit and suddenly realize that there's someone in bed with me and we have no clothes on. The someone has one arm under my head and the other around my waist.

I think hard and remember all the events from last night. After the party started, Stan got drunk and started breaking stuff, so I took him home. No one was there, so he-


I grin and hold back a laugh. If mom comes in and sees this, I'm so dead.

After a few minutes, I feel the bedsheets rustle behind me. I hear Stan groan as he sits up. I rool over a bit to look at him. He looks dizzy and green. I grab the waste basket at the side of the bed and hand it to him. He pukes into it a few times and I sit up.

"Ugh... Ky? What happened?" He asks me.

I take a deep breath in. "A lot. I'll tell you later."

"Did we-"


He sits there for a minute. Then I see him get a little upset. "Fuck! I was drunk for that! I'm not gonna remember shit!" He says.

I laugh a little. "Come on. We have to get dressed before anyone walks in or something." I tell him. We both get up and get dressed. I take him into the bathroom and he washes out his mouth. He looks at me when he's done.

"So what happened?" He asks.

I tell him the whole story, leaving out a few details. He just looks at me. "Ah, fuck." He says, disappointed. "I'm not gonna remember anything..." I smile and put my arms arpund his neck.

"That doesn't mean it'll never happen again when you're not drunk as shit." I say quietly. He smiles and kissses me.

"Good. That's something I want to remember." I hug him and he hugs me back.

"You wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving." I say after a bit.

He lets go of me. "Sure. They just opened a new place a few blocks down. We could try that." We agree to go there and leave the house.

On the way there, I see, out of the corner of my eye, Cartman staring at us from a distance. I look at Stan and grab his hand.

"Stan." I say, looking forward and watching Cartman. "Don't look, but Cartman's watching us over to the left." I say quietly. He starts walking faster and I come with him. I watch as Cartman walks the opposite direction. "He left." I say.

Stan looks at me. "Any idea what he's doing?" I shake my head.

"All I know is that it's not good. At all." I say. We continue walking to the restaurant.


"Oh my god! That was good, and I am stuffed." Stan says. I lauh a bit.

"You shouldn't have eaten all of those burgers and the desert." I say, smiling. He smiles back at me. "So where do we go now?" I ask. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, we hear something that makes the hairs on my neck stand.

"Hey guys..." We turn around and see Cartman.

"What the hell do you want, fatass?" Stan asks in a mean voice.

Cartman rolls his eyes. "Christ, you don't have to be so rude about it. I just wanted to talk." He tells us.

Something's up... but I can't tell if it's bad or not...

"What is it?" Stan asks in a less threatening tone.

Cartman sighs. "I... I just wabted to say... that... I'm s-s-s-... s-sorry." My eyes widen and I almost fall backwards.

Cartman said sorry?????

"I'm sorry, for everything I did and everything I put you both through..." I stop breathing for a second in shock.

"Where's Eric Cartman and what did you do to him?" I ask. This can't be Cartman...

"Shut the fuck up you stupid Jew or this won't last." He says. It is Cartman...

"Why are you apologizing?" Stan asks.

"I refuse to say. Just accept the fucking apology and let's just get over all of this."

I look into his eyes. He isn't lying. This isn't a trick...

"Okay..." I say Stan looks at me. "Apology accepted, but if it ever happens again or you're lying-" I start.

He inturupts me. "I know, there's already something going on, and I'd be a complete idiot to go back on this..." He says. "I have to go now." He runs off away from us. I look at Stan.

"That happened..." He says. "You seriously trust him on this.

I nod. "He's scared of something, I saw. He isn't lying. This is over..." I say, putting a smile on my face. He smiles too.

"So... you wanna come to my place tonight? Mom has a meeting tonight." He asks. I grin and nod. We continue walking to wherever the next destination is, when-


I open my eyes and gasp. I sit up in my bed and look around.

The fuck was that dream?? Everyone was gay?? And Cartman apologied???

I look all around. Still alone, still in fourth grade, still not a fucking gay wad.

I sigh that it was all just a dream and get up to get ready for school.


"Hey Stan." I say, walking to the bus stop.

"Hey." He responds.

"Dude I had a crazy ass dream." He looks at me. "And you won't believe it- Cartman said 'I'm sorry' somewhere in it." I say. His eyes widen.

"Holy shit dude. I didn't kniw that it was possible, even in someone's dream!" He says. "What else happened?" At that moment, Cartman shows up.

Oh, hell no am I saying it around him. "I'll tell you later."

"Hello, fags." Cartman says.

"Hello fatass."


Kyle told Stan about the dream, and somehow was able to keep it a secret just between the two.

Years later, the boys had forgotten about the dream, and it eventually actually happened. Kyle had only realized it after it happened and told Stan.

Cartman did stay away from them and didn't do anythig bad to them or anyone else ever again. This only happened by Kenny and Craig going after him after hurting Butters and Tweek, specifically.

A year after this occured, when they were 18, Stan's mom died and Kyle moved in with him. They got married and adopted five children from Russia, China, India, Africa, and Europe(because they're pussies who care for other people unlike most boys). After a lot of time of considering it, they had their own child from that wierd test tube thing like Tweek and Craig.

All in all, they lived a fucking busy life with their four boys and two girls.


Choose Wisely(Kyle Broflovski x Stan Marsh yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now