Chapter 4

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A week passed and her mother was still doing stuff at night. One night Rose decided to stay up and see what her mother was doing. She wore her black dress so she wouldn’t be seen and she saw her mother also wearing her black dress so Rose suspected she was probably sneaking in somewhere.

As Rose followed the Queen she started recognizing where they were going... They were going to the palace … Rue’s palace. When they got to the front of the palace, her mother turned around the corner to the right of the castle. She then went to the very back and flew over the gate.

Then, she made herself grow to the size of a human and started patting the walls. After a couple of minutes, she stopped. It was like she was frozen. She then did something Rose had never seen her do before. She pulled out a wand. Wands were incredibly rare, for they made fairy magic more powerful than they already were.

Since it was dark out Rose couldn’t see the wand until the Queen made a spell for a floating light. Rose stifled a gasp, it was beautiful. The wand was about a foot long. It was made out of, what looked like, crystal. It sparkled like a real diamond and there was a design on it that was made of blue sapphires that looked beautiful with the clear crystal.

After the floating light was bright enough her mother started looking at the beautiful white bricks of the palace. The bricks were incredibly smooth and sparkled under the light, but one brick was a bit cleaner and shinier. It had a heart and inside it said Ruby+Rosette. Who is Ruby and Rosette?, thought Rose. It was very tiny, so tiny that only a fairy could have written it… and it looked like her mother’s handwriting.

The Queen paused and seemed to remember something. She then used the wand to shrink herself. As she was shrinking Rose hid remembering her mother would be able to see her if she stayed there.

Once her mother fully shrunk she also shrunk the light and then went to the brick with the writing. She then pushed on the brick and a secret tunnel appeared. The queen went in and kept going without a hint of worry.

Right before the tunnel closed Rose flew in. Rose could make out her mother’s silhouette because of the floating light. Suddenly her mother stopped. Rose jumped and hid. She then saw that the Queen was growing to the size of a big person.

As they kept going Rose became extra sneaky. A couple of minutes later they came to a fork in the path but her mother didn’t stop. They went to the left. The more they were in the more curious Rose got. The tunnel was dark and smelled like dirt, but because of the faint light, she could tell that the tunnel was made of something that was dull gray and hard as a rock.

At last, they came to a silver door. At first glance, it looked like a very small wall but as Rose looked closer she saw that there was a handle. Before Rose could start wondering why it looked like a wall,  the queen opened the door a couple of inches and looked out. Rose figured she was probably looking for people.

As Rose went out of the tunnel and into the new room she saw her mom starting to stiffen. When she got all the way into the room she saw that she was surrounded by food. She saw cheese, milk, vegetables, bread, and much more.

Rose hid behind a block of cheese while her mother closed the door with a push of her finger. Once the door was closed it looked like a normal wall. All of a sudden her mother started looking around the room and then she asked where Rose was.

Rose held her breath. How could she know I'm here?! I haven’t made a sound and she never showed any signs of knowing she was being followed! She thought. Then, right before Rose came out, the Queen said "I'm just being silly. Rose will never find out what I'm doing."

That made her even more curious than when she was in the tunnel.

Once Rose got out of the small room Rose realized how much warmer the palace was than the tunnel. She followed her mom down a hall, took a right, then a left, up the stairs, and into the King and Queen’s room.

Uh oh, the Queen is in trrrroooouuuubbbblllleeee...😁 hehehe anyways, so I'm trying to add music without having to write it so I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't been adding songs! I'll figure it out soon though!!!🙃

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