part 5

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thank you so much for all the comments on the last part! i really like reading what you guys think of my story!
tw kidnapping

finneys pov

the guy that fell in front of us had a bag of groceries that he had just dropped.

i felt bad seeing him struggle to pick them all up so i bent down and helped him. robin just stood there i dont know why.

"thank you kid." he said and put his stuff in his bag.

robins pov

as finneys helping the man i just stand there. i dont trust him. i mean hes wearing a cape and a full face of makeup and not like good makeup. creepy makeup. his whole face is white.

i take a look at what he has in his van. black balloons. what the hell. what is he going to a festival funeral. i mean maybe.

once finney is done with helping him he gets up.

"would you hand me my hat?" the creepy looking guy ask finney. "sure." finney smiles grabbing his hat.

finney hands the hat to the guy. i see the guy reach into his pocket but it was to late. he grabbed finneys hand swinging him into his arms holding a knife up to his neck!

i stand there shocked "get off of him!" i say worried.

"get in the van or i will slice his throat." he says.

finneys pov

im so scared. i dont want robin to get in the van but i definitely do not want to die right now.

i can feel the guys breath on me.

robin then gets into the van then the guy slams me in there.

i let out a painful scream.

he gets a bottle of something and grabs robin spraying it in his mouth while robins trying to fight him back.

im to weak to help. im sorry robin. im so sorry.
i look away not wanting to see that.

after a little bit i hear the spray noise stop then i hear the guy coming over to me. i feel someone grab me. i scream so someone can hopefully hear me and because im in so much pain so moving hurts.

he sprays the stuff in my mouth too.


i wake up. i cant see anything my vision is blurry. my eyes and my whole body hurts really bad.

i try to get up "dont try to get up lay down." i hear a familiar voice say "robin?" i look around but stay on what im guessing is a mattress.

"hey buddy." i can hear the comforting smile in his voice. "where are we?" i ask "i dont know to be honest.. but dont you worry. im getting you out of here." i see where he is "no focus on getting you out dont worry about me." i say my vision getting better "i will always worry about you. i love you.." he says "you do?" i ask and he looks at me "of course i do." he starts to play with my hair. "i know it's a bit eary to say that but i just wanted to tell you incase.. something.. happens down here." he says i frown.

"i love you too." i close my eyes from the pain.

we then hear the door open. he goes closer to me amd he holds my hand.

"looks like you boys are awake." the creepy dude says.

i just stare at him with a rude expression. im not sure what robins doing but i bet he's doing the same.

the guy comes closer to me and kneels down. he starts to play with my hair.

i squeeze robins hand. im super uncomfortable. i hate this so much.

"dont touch him!" robin says out of nowhere. the guy stops and looks up at robin "i would watch my mouth if i were you." is all he says.

im to scared to move i just stay there staring at the wall shaking.

the guy gets up and leaves.

robin lays down next to me and holds me "im so sorry fin." he really does sound sorry but why is he? its not his fault. i wanted to say that but i couldnt say anything. i tried to turn so i could be closer to robin since he makes me feel safe. he helped me a little by pushing me up.

i lay my hed on his chest and i hold the hand thats not around my waist.

i then slowly fall back to sleep still being very tired.

robins pov

once i saw that fin has fallen to sleep i slowly let go on his hand and lay him down on the mattress.

i got up and looked around. there was a room with a toilet and carpets. thats really all.

then i heard a phone go off. i went up to it and answered "hello?" i asked "wake up finney right now." i looked at finney quickly. i didnt care who this was or what this was. but i quickly went to finney waking him up.

"fin buddy wake up okay?" he slowly wakes up.

someone comes through the door. its the grabber. he had a smile on his mask. "aw man." he then whispers. what the fuck?

"it doesnt work." i look down at what hes looking at. its the phone? what does he mean?

"hang it up." he then goes to go back upstairs "were hungry we need food." i say. he turns around "i cant feed you. you will have to wait." i look at him with a annoyed face "if you werent going to feed us whyd you even come down here?" finney says. i look at him then at the guy "just to look at you.. i just wanted to look at you." my eyes widen. thats disgusting. "ill go." he then leaves.

i look at finney. he has the same reaction as me. i hug him.  he hugs me back. i put the phone to my ear. finney gives me a confused look.

"theres a floor tile thats lose in the bathroom. you can dig down and up to the other side. i tried but i didnt have enough time." i feel bad i think this is the bruce kid that went missing "will we have enough time.." i ask. he hangs up.


i get up and look for the tile. fin looks at me confused not hearing what he was saying on the phone.

i find it and take the tiles off starting to dig.

"robin what are you doing?" i can feel finney staring at me "getting us out of here." i keep my eyes on what im doing. i hear finney getting up and look up quickly "finney what are you doing?" he doesnt answer and gets up walking towards me.

he sits down closing his eyes tightly. probably in pain.

he starts to dig. i mean i dont want him to hurt himself even more but we need to get out.

i go back to digging.

sorry this chapter was a little boring!! i didnt really know what to do. btw if you didnt get it in the last chapter when robin called finney the f slur and got mad at him. that didn't actually happen. it was in finneys mind! idk how to make him start calling the grabber the grabber. anyways bye!

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