part 2

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robins pov
Once finney ran out I just sat there confused. "Did I do something wrong?" I thought to myself. I mean he didn't look upset. Shit. I forgot to ask him if he can help me with math! I walk out of the bathroom trying to find finney when the bell rings.

History! I history with him. I run to class and I see him. He's so beautiful. Wait what was I going to do again? Oh yeah! I sit down next to finn like always.

"hey finney!" I say. It looks like he's trying to avoid looking at me "hi Robin. Oh I forgot to ask! Do you want to be my history partner?" He says looking at his rocket light. He had a whole conversation about his rocket ships and how they work. I think it's really cu- "do I have something on my face?" He says looking at me finally "No sorry I just zoned out also sure! I'll be your partner! " I said looking down quickly "oh okay!" He says as he turns his flashlight on.

"so.. um.. could you maybe.. come over after school?" I look back at him. He smiles "is it math again?" He says and looks at me "uh-.." I try to find words but his face is so mesmerizing. He looks confused "Robin?" Shit shit shit shit "yeah it's math! Sorry I have something on my mind.." I say looking at the board.

"You alright?" He asked concerned "oh yeah I'm okay! It's not a bad thing it's just a person that's all!" I say looking back at him. I don't want him to be worried over nothing bad! He smirks. I just have a confused look on my face.

"who's the lucky girlll?" He says holding out the 'L' and without even thinking before talking I say "who said it was a g-.."

"ROBIN AND FINNEY STOP TALKING NOW!!" Mrs. Hero( don't mind😞 ) yelled. Finney went back to looking at the board.

Thoughts running through my head. Did he hear me? I'm so stupid. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if he hates me. I feel tears filling my eyes.

"Robin?" Finney whispers to me snapping me back to reality. "I-.." I tried to say something but if I did I would break down in tears!

I just grabbed my stuff and ran out of there.

finneys pov
What the hell just happened? I grab my stuff and run after him.

I didn't care about the teacher! I cared about my best friend.

I ran after him. He went into the bathroom. I waited out there for a little bit wondering if I should leave him alone or go in with him.

I go in the bathroom.

"Robin?" I say slight worry in my voice. I hear sobs coming from the last stall. I go to it and try to open it.

"Robin please open the door!" I want to try to help him. to understand what happened. I hear the stall unlock.

I open the door to see Robin sitting on the floor hiding his face in his knees. I can still hear sobs coming from him. I've never saw him like this. I sit down next to him and lock the stall.

"Robin.." I don't know what to really say.

So I just hug him.

He hugs me back and he cry's into my shoulder. I rub his back to comfort him a little.

"Robin what's wrong?" I say with concern in my voice. I want to know why he's upset. Was it me?

He lets go slowly. I see his red puffy eyes. I frown.

"I'm-.." he looks down. "You can tell me I'll never think of you different." I rub his back slowly again. "I don't want to talk about it." he looks away. I just sit there. "That's okay! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Take your time! I will always be here for you." I say and smile at him. He looks back at me with a surprised face. I smile and hug him. He hugs me back.

After awhile of hugging, jokes and laughing we got up and went out of the bathroom. The last bell rings. Me and Robin look at each other. "Woops!" I say. He laughs that heavenly laugh. I smile. We get all of our stuff then I wait for him at the school doors.

I walk with him to pick up Gwen. "Hey Gwen I'm going to robins will you be good with dad?" I ask her "it's Friday so I won't even be there!" I forgot "oh yeah okay then!! Bye gwen!" I smile and start to walk away "bye finney!" She waves and walks away.

Me and Robin walk to his house talking the whole way there.

I was laughing so much I didn't even realize we were already at his house!

Hey guys! I hope this isn't bad. Now that I read this over I realize it sucks but I tried. Please give me any suggestions!!🙏 it will get better I promise!! This is just the start! Anyways sorry it took so long for a part 2.

i'll love you forever - rinneyWhere stories live. Discover now