part 7

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robins pov

the grabber came down with an axe. i then noticed finney was in the whole he couldn't get out. no. this isnt happening.

the grabber swung at finney right in his shoulder.
"NO!" i scream tears running down my face. i get up and hit the grabber he pushes me and hits finney in the stomach.

i hit the guy in the back of the head make him fall to the ground. i grab hid axe and hit him with it. in the head. hes dead definitely.

i run over to finney and bring him out of the whole. i take off my shirt covering the slash in his stomach with it.

i hold him in my arms and cry "r.. robin?" he says weakly "its okay buddy im going to help you im getting you out just hold on okay?" i say a water fall coming down my cheeks.

"robin. i cant." finney says. my heart breaks in half. i hold him hand. hes probably in so much pain. so i had to say the hardest thing ive ever said "you can go buddy im right here." i smile to tell him that its okay.

"will you still love me?.." he says struggling.

"i'll love you forever." i see a little smile.

i sit with him not to long after hes no longer alive.

i hold him in my arms tight.

i play with his hair and just cry in his shoulder.

hes gone.

i'll actually make one more part of what happens after.

i'll love you forever - rinneyWhere stories live. Discover now