6. Our Suspicions

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After I fell asleep I saw myself at some kind of gym. The room was dark as I heard the vast crowds rushing outside as I stood not alone but with Marcus, Margo, Claire, Ryan, and Alex who was holding my hand, an eerie figure who resembled to Kenny and about ten people. We stood staring at them with pure hatred as they did to us the black space appeared. I heard a faint sound like someone sketching. I began to flicker my long lashes and saw Alex sitting on a chair smiling at me as I sat up.

"You know Jojo you look so peaceful when you sleep and I was going to wait for you to wake up when I decided to well, sketch you. I didn't mean to wake you up though." he said in a polite tone. I knew that the dream may have been important but might worry Alex so I decided not to tell him. He grabbed my hand and said, "Come on Jojo let's get breakfast."

We ran downstairs hands intertwined as he jumped down the stairs, pulling me close behind. I kind of liked the old Alex better as he rushed me to the table seconds before Dolly came out along with Virginia and Lidia with about ten large dishes.

We all dug into the food, talking and having a great time though it surprised me how Alex was. It was as if Alex had become Zeek's clone. He went from serious yet loving and mature to a goof off yet still loving and very immature. Claire though something was seriously wrong while Dolly thought something finally went right. I thought that Margo, Claire and I needed an emergency girl meeting alone

"Um Claire, Margo and I need to go hunting alone so we gotta go, so everyone just stay here."I said pulling their arms before Alex stopped me.

"How about Ryan, Kenny, and I go with you..........." started Alex before he noticed I was shaking my head no. We ran so we were far enough for them not to hear us. We started to talk about the matter on hand.

"Something is wrong with Alex because he is acting immature and carefree not like the mature serious Alex I love. And not to point any fingers but Dolly was thinking something finally went right. I mean that is weird and she was staring straight at Alex. I do know one thing I'm not telling Alex." I said as they listened and gave their own little theories.

"Jojo I think it may have something to do with both Dolly and Zeek. Maybe their plotting against you and Alex, and Margo and Kenny who make the cutest couples I have seen after well Ryan and I." said Claire thinking about her sweetheart. Then Margo gave her theory.

"Okay so maybe they are the good guys. Maybe their trying to save the world and maybe have to like put medicine on you so you don't like destroy the world or even kill every human here." Margo said as I thought of something.

I started pacing around thinking if I should tell them about this ancient necklace I conjured from J, the old guy and the mystery boy. Then I decided that Margo needed to know and I wanted to tell Claire.

"Okay guys so I kind of conjured this necklace that J guy had though I don't know what it is but I have an idea. You see their always talking about this necklace and something called the connection. Maybe this is the necklace."I said conjuring the necklace to the middle of the woods

It was an old necklace that was a golden necklace decorated with saphires that danced around one blood red jewel that could be sold for like a billion-gazzilion-a zillion dollars. We marveled at the rocks until we saw the time and rushed home so I slipped the necklace around my neck. I quickly caught up as we jumped into Alex's new red Ferrari and I, who we knew wouldn't get in trouble with him, drove.

We parked in the spot next to Marcus's black buggy as we thought we'd just skip second period with some lame excuse, that Margo was badly injured with a sprained ankle. She asked us why both Claire and I needed to go and since I am the master of words and persuation I came up with an explaination.

"You see Miss. Northberry I am horrible with the directions and all that but, Claire who is great with directions is too young to drive. So Margo is in no condition to drive and doesn't know the way there."I lied very smoothly as if I was speaking the truth and the secretary gave us passes and we showed up to Math class for Claire and I, and Margo showed up for History.

Then after the bell rung Claire and I sped out of the room too fast for Ryan or Alex to get us. So we met up with Margo at the car and went hunting this time to quench our thirsts and to talk. I heard Alex's special ringtone where he sings on my black phone.

As Margo and Claire were deep in conversation about the party I thought deeply about a lot of things. I thought about the phone call I didn't pick up, the necklace rested around my neck, and the fact that Dolly and Zeek have been acting very weird. I thought about Alex and I, Margo and Kenny, why after the J guy wanted Margo, and that Zeek took interest in not just me but her.

Then I collapsed to the ground and saw something. This time I saw Zeek and he was doing something and whispering about the double crossing he had done then I heard a familiar accent, Dolly.

"So Zeek did you separate them yet I mean if they don't know where the girls are then we may win. "Said Dolly inching her way over with a face that I had never seen her use. She usually was a happy, smiling ray of sunshine but now it looked like she was determined to crush someone. I was scared as I saw Zeek was and then slowly recovered before speaking

"Well I've been trying but all I could do is force her not to communicate with him. She has a shield like him but not that strong though just strong enough to block most of my tryst." said Zeek who seemed nervous though in his head, not about Dolly but about the double crossing. He waited then Dolly glided away as I saw Zeek look at a plan that was titled "Double Crossing Them". Then before he started to say who he was double crossing I was shoved into the dark.

I expected to see Margo and Claire shaking me or maybe them driving me to school but dark was all I saw. I was suddenly shoved somewhere else seeing Alex and Ryan sitting at home Alex crying and Ryan looking like if he could he would be crying. They sat thinking about us ditching and wanting to be alone. Ryan thought that Margo had brainwashed us and wanted us to destroy Alex, him, and everyone. Though Alex thought just about the opposite.

He thought that maybe I had a plan to save everyone. Maybe I had a vision or just knew how to help. As I had done for Margo and Kenny. He thought that I had a lead and that we were going to get hurt if they helped and suddenly he sat up as I thought that I wished he'd stop being upset and would be the uptight, strong, smart, mature Alex I knew and loved. He sat up straight before he began to talk to Ryan as it was like he communicated with me in my head.

"Ryan maybe we're overreacting I mean besides sneaking out, are they acting strange. I mean maybe they just need girl time like we need our hunting time as just guys. We can endure the pain of being away from them because they need to maybe talk about us and Margo and Claire about dresses. Also I am pretty sure they are discussing Zeek and Dolly's weird behavior. I think that they have a couple of good leads, they may be on to something." he said smiling thinking that I was good and okay. Ryan was thinking he was so glad that over all Alex is the leader of both groups. Then the room went black and as soon as I saw the girls.

My sweet Alex, so understanding, I just love him so much. I reached into my pocket and called Alex.

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