4. The Voices.

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I went through the day hearing everyone laughing and thought of a plan to sabotage their relationship. But that night I met Ginny or I mean Claire's mom and she was awesome. She told me about how she can feel the gifts and that something bad is going to happen and people need me. So that's how I ended up here."Kenny said.

"Wow you must be a pretty trusting person, I mean not many would hear that and stick around." Dolly said mysteriously but when I looked at her she was her normal bubbly self.

We laughed and talked and had a great time. Zeek and I had a contest to see who could do the funniest or as Alex called it "the most immature thing" and I won. I was having an awesome time until I heard something. I listened and heard a male talking I knew it wasn't anyone I knew or just didn't recognize.

"We must get Kenny before they brainwash him." said a muscular voice that sounded as cold as the Antarctic sea.

"But what if they don't have him? I mean J, what if they find out about the necklace and about the connection?" asked a scratchy voice of an old man around the age of 72.

"Of course they have him the curly brunette met him right?" said the cold voice.

"Yes but what if she thought he was just a normal regular powered human. Someone with no extraordinary power at all." asked the scratchy voice.

"Well then we'll take the girl. She can't fulfill it without them together." Said the muscular voice it seemed familiar. Then their voices disappeared and I realized everyone was around me. Alex was shaking my shoulders and calling my name.

"They're coming. They are coming for Kenny and they are coming for me."I moaned as everyone looked weirdly at me. They looked shocked and stared at me before anyone could speak.

"Jojo, who is coming, who is coming for you?" asked Alex and Claire.

"An old man and someone named "J". They think we brainwashed Kenny and found out about something called the necklace and something called the connection. Something about taking me, I didn't hear it all. I heard them talking." I said worn out but slowly waking up. They look at each other then at Kenny and I.

"We got to hide Kenny and Jojo. You two have to hide in the basement. Jojo can you hide your and Kenny's scents?"She shooed Kenny and I down as we hid careful not to even move. I suddenly heard the faint rustling of light footsteps that could only belong to fifteen vampires. Everyone headed to the first clearing as I watched it all through Claire's eyes.

I sense their presence and I see that Alex notices something weird. So I decide to send the news that I see them. I can see they disguised their scents and presence to make them look and smell invisible. They getting through the front lines unnoticed so I put a shield around our and the boy's houses. I knew that they would know we were hiding.

They waited standing listening but no luck. The only sound I heard was Alex but I noticed he was hearing something. Suddenly Claire looks over to see Alex floating in mid air. Though a few seconds later a small, bald, weird nosed looking man appeared near Alex.

"Who are you and what are you here for?"Growled Alex who knew half the answer. He waited about to bite the old man.

"I have no name, though you may call me what you like, like the letter, but the Vampire king has sent me with my men to take the girl and the shifter." he said with the scratchy I heard before.

"You won't get her!"Screamed Alex. Then knowing how to correct himself screamed, "Or him."

"Oh but we can and we will. There is nothing you can do to stop us." the scratchy voice man said laughing before disappearing. I was confused until I heard the large bam.

"Search the area leave no stone unturned. Whoever finds them will be rewarded greatly." yelled J. We heard a series of loud noises, noises that were furniture being thrown. They probably searched everywhere except where we were hiding until there was a faint hollow stomp. I knew that we needed to get out.

"They're in here guys!"Yelled an old man. I heard almost twenty feet shift over us. They each started to stomp on the floor. Debris crashed on our pale stone-like skin the debris broke in many pieces like raindrops on a humans face. Then I heard the faint running of about thirteen pairs of feet. Then feet suddenly stopped and I heard more crashing.

"You'll never get them!" screamed Claire and Alex but mostly Alex. Then most of the feet seemed to disappear. Then the basement door opened and Alex jumped down and hugged me.

"Jojo are you okay, what happened here? Oh and is Kenny okay?" he asked more anxious for the answer of the first question.

"I'm fine Alex. So this is what happened, after that old man disappeared from the field like twenty people including someone who may have been the vampire king. So they started looking for me and Kenny, so you guys came right before they were about to come down and check here."I said as Alex got a little more relaxed then it happened I saw J, the old man, and, and, and Tommy? They were somewhere in a closet of some type talking about plans to stop the prophecy.

"Okay so you're going to lead them off our trail. Then while you get them off our trail get the girl and the taller brunette. She is the object to getting the key." said the J guy as the boy who looked a little bit like Tommy got up and spoke.

"Well getting the girls will be easy. Get them away from the boys and maybe we can stop it." he said.

"But what if they see us or have some kind of spy? It was very suspicious about how they knew we were coming."Asked the old man.

"They will not find us out and how would they know about us." said the boy who now didn't look like Tommy at all. Then they pulled out a necklace which I called out to and it disappeared I placed it in my room as I saw their faces and then I was back.

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