8. The Trip

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We started running Amy and Claire saying that Alex and I are totally a perfect couple. How we have a soft side, can be so serious, are such natural born leaders, and well are the only people who call Claire, Claire besides Ryan now. Then they went on about what the dresses they picked were perfect and that they had no idea I had such great taste.

I thought that since they were going on and on and I really couldn't do much about it so I thought hay if ya can't beat them join them. So we talked about how the party and how they loved the dress I picked was beyond stylish and would look so amazing. They said when Alex came back he would stare at me cause I would look so beautiful and then it hit me.

Alex is gone. He may never come back. He may never hold me in his arms, kiss me, or make fun of me just to make me laugh and make me happy. Then both the girls stopped and screamed and when I turned around I saw it.

There it was a large tree burning down and when they screamed I felt happy and better then I focused my anger at a fir tree or something like that and it too burst in flames and it felt amazingly good. I suddenly was rushing about the forest burning every tree in sight. The flames burned and burned swaying in a way that was gentle and vicious. The flames started to do something pictures were dancing within the fires.

At first it seemed like a dream but then I realized it had a meaning and before I could understand what the pictures meant I collapsed.

"You mean that prophecy boy left and the other is on his deathbed. Oh young man you are a genius, I will promote you after this is done. Both of them both weak and heartbroken maybe we shall attack tonight." said the J guy who was as happy as a squealing girl with a credit card.

"That would not be wise sir remember the party. Plus the men are not ready yet." said the young man who I heard before wearing a long black cape now. As J nodded gleefully, like a little boy outside a candy shop.

"Yes oh yes an all you can eat buffet and they chosen ones and their little clans demise! Oh I am just so excited!" said J as the picture began to fade out. I started to wake up as Amy and Claire were laying over me.

"You mean you saw J and you heard them talking. What were they talking........" started Marcus before I snapped at him. He sat still and waited for me to continue my story.

"So as I was saying after scorching some of the forest I fainted and saw J with a young man. So they said that they were going to attack at the dance so I want everyone ready. Got that because we will start training. I may be able to find out their strategy and we may be able to find the weaknesses and attack there. But starting after dinner we will plan and I'll try to see their strategy and so if you see me lying half dead maybe mumbling don't touch me and that is an order, you hear me!" I said as I glared at the trouble makers.

Then for the next hour I tried to focus all my energy into the visions but didn't have any luck. So finally when I decided to give up it happened. I was in a room with J and a hooded boy I saw before but this time I felt a sharp pain and quickly faded out.

Kenny was beginning to defrost and quickly went over to him and I tried to pull him. A few minutes later his soul finally let go of his body as I led it to a young man Jonathon found. Then after I placed Kenny's spirit in the body I watched as Kenny got up and stretched his new body out.

Margo who had been in the kitchen almost dropped her plat if it hadn't been for Dolly who kept her steady. She rushed over to Kenny's new body and hugged him and kissed him as I felt a great pain. I missed Alex badly and it was more painful for me because she knew I could maybe fix it and I knew I couldn't fix Alex, I didn't even know where he was. Everyone came in and hugged Kenny then ran over and told me I was amazing and Zeek even kissed my cheek and this time I laughed.

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