If Meggy Was In Splatoon 3 (2)

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Meggy and SMG4 sat against a rock in a desert-like landscape. In the distance was the Mushroom Kingdom, but it was fenced off by some weird force-field. It was keeping all Non-Nintendo characters out.

However, the two of them had been given a special contract each by Phoenix Wright, a world renounced famous lawyer.

Meggy was all too excited when she was handed a temporary IP change contract, and began signing it as soon as he left them.

SMG4 wasn't so sure of the whole contract thing, but no amount of convincing stopped her. If she was that desperate to get to Mario, then he would let her.

Meggy finished signing the contract, and for a second, nothing was happening.

SMG4: Was...Something supposed to happen? Or are you supposed to look different to official Nintendo characters?

Meggy: I-I don't...Know...Maybe?

She felt a sudden pain inside her body, and she doubled over.

SMG4: Meggy!

She screamed out in pain as her eyes turned a whitish purple, and light purple veins stretched across her face slowly, until a glow consumed her body completely.

Once the glow subsided, Meggy collapsed to the ground, trying to catch her breath.

SMG4: Meggy! Are you—Woah...

He rubbed his eyes, trying to see if what he was seeing was actually happening. It was.

SMG4: No way.

Meggy opened her eyes and looked down at herself, trying to determine what had happened, and quickly realized that she had become an Inkling instead of a Human.

Meggy: I'm...I'm an Inkling again...

SMG4: H-How do you feel?

Meggy: I...Feel...

She took a slow breath, a smile cracking across her face.

Meggy: I feel amazing! I'm actually an Inkling again! I'm back to my old self!

SMG4: That's great!

Meggy turned into a squid to see if she could still do it, and she squealed in excitement as she changed from a squid to an Inkling repeatedly.

Meggy: Oh I missed this so much!

SMG4: If you're an Inkling again, that must mean that you'll finally be able to pass through the barrier!

Meggy: Yeah! ......Wait though...What about you?

SMG4: Oh...Yeah...

He pulled out his contract and stared at it.

SMG4: What if I don't transform? I don't have a Nintendo IP form. I'm just...Me.

Meggy: At least try? What's the worst that can happen?

SMG4 stood at the barrier where there was some sort of guard staring down at him.

The guard clearly didn't seem convinced that SMG4 was now a Nintendo Character.

SMG4: C'mon! It's me, Stanley the Bug Man! From Donkey Kong?

Guard: ......

Meggy called out from the other side of the Barrier. She knew that if she didn't say anything, SMG4 would get turned away.

Meggy: Miyamoto needs him for his new game! Without him, he may get upset!

Guard: ...Oh alright. Go on then...Stanley.

If Meggy was in Splatoon 3Where stories live. Discover now