A Change of Scenery Part 2

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We drove deeper into Phoenix, until we came upon a glitzy casino, the Wilderness Edge. Jeremy parked his pickup alongside the valet, who immediately helped me out and took the keys, and then led me inside.

I gasped upon entering and placed a hand over my chest. I'd never seen anything like it in my entire life, and the setting stole my breath. A chandelier made of bone sat high above the entry, drawing my eyes to the different levels of the casino, all bustling with activity. Around me, servers brought around platters of drinks and snacks, and people dressed in the most beautiful of suits and cocktail dresses took from them. Conversation was busy, and laughter rang about the room. Music played from somewhere on the first floor, and sounds of slot machines intermixed with voices. I saw a myriad of people, some talking in hushed tones in corners, and others laughing boisterously as they battled over a game of poker, but all carrying themselves with the confidence that came with being above the law.

As I wandered further in, I found decorations made of animal hides, antlers, and bones, giving the place's name a bit more meaning. It was an unexpected mixture of high-end style and upscale hunting lodge, and I couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it, hypnotized by the lights and artistically inspired by sculptures of elk antlers.

We weren't there more than thirty seconds before Jeremy was grabbing us both flutes of champagne, and no more than a minute before he was caught up in conversation with someone he recognized from outside the shop. I tried to give them space, and began poking about the first floor to try and find a familiar face. I noticed a few of my clients, who would politely nod or wave when we met eyes, but no one I was on a "friends" basis with.

Finally, after making my way to the second floor, I found Ryanne. She waved me over, and I sighed in relief. I was beginning to feel out of place, aside from the dress.

"Hey girl!" she said, pulling me into a side-hug. "You look freaking stunning!"

"You too!" I gushed, taking in her tight, short red dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline. It looked amazing with the chocolate brown curls falling around her face, and I couldn't help but tug one down to watch it bounce back.

"Every damn time I curl my hair," she scolded, and I laughed.

"They're like springs!" I took the last sip of my champagne, and as if by magic, a server was there to take it and replace it.

"So what do you think?" she asked, motioning around her with her glass of red wine. "Change of pace?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. I've never been anywhere like this. It's incredible!"

"I thought you'd like it," she grinned. "I was surprised when that smelly Volkov mentioned inviting you. You really are friends with everyone."

"I try my best," I blushed, glancing around to see if I recognized anyone else. "I like being neutral ground. I get to do all the cool tattoos."

I met Ryanne within my first year at Skins and Needles, when she entrusted me to do a lunging mountain lion tattoo on her back. She was one of my first clients in the criminal circles, and after I did her tattoo, I started getting a lot more requests. We had really hit it off as friends in the sessions I worked on her lion, and decided to start hanging out outside of the parlor after another few times seeing each other around town. Now, she was my best, and really only true friend, and I felt privileged to get to see her in her own world.

"Yoo-hoo, Charlotte," she called, and I blinked out of my thoughts. "I was trying to introduce you to Tora. She's from the Hayato family, and we like to catch up at Solstice every year."

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