Between Sheets Part 2

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I waited until Arsen was out of the room before hurrying to the hall bathroom. Usually, I put my toothbrush back in my bag, but the previous night I had forgotten and left it in Arsen's bathroom. The thought of having my toothbrush here made my stomach flip, and that's how I knew I was in too deep. The random thought that I didn't care if he was a professional criminal drove it home, and I splashed my face with water for a minute to try and wake myself up to the situation.

Arsen had made it clear— despite the fucking scorching kiss that we'd shared just an hour earlier— that I wasn't, and would never be a part of his world.

I was not a criminal.

Well, sort of.

Either way, I wasn't in on the big Know, and likely never would be, unless I found out myself. And that's what made us impossible.

I still wanted him so bad it hurt.

"Charlotte?" he called from outside the bathroom, making me jump. I quickly spun around and opened the door to reveal him holding out my backpack.

"Thanks," I sighed, and took it. He smiled briskly, and walked to his room. Our room? my mind teased me, and I scowled at my reflection. My brain was acting like a real Overly Attached Girlfriend, and Arsen and I weren't even an item.

I groaned and began preparing for bed. Under any other circumstances, I would head back down to the couch to keep us both from trouble, but the difference that bed made on how comfy my ribs were was inarguable. I changed into my pajama tank top and shorts, took my pill, and headed into the bedroom with my eyes down. I felt so painfully awkward, and it didn't help when I glanced up to see Arsen under the couch blanket, on top of the comforter.

"You know, I could have taken that," I muttered, and climbed into bed next to him. Next to him, I thought with a panic. I could feel his warmth. Feel his pull. But I couldn't touch him. Great.

"Just relax, Char," he said, and lifted his drink. "You've had a long night."

He wasn't wrong. I turned to "my" nightstand to plug my Gameboy in, and noticed a glass of wine. I picked it up and smelled it. Definitely a nicer blend.

"What's this?" I asked, rolling to face him with my glass. He glanced at it, and then focused back on the tablet he was holding.

"Like I said," he said casually. "You've had a long night."

I stared at him for a long moment, trying to comprehend this strange, golden-eyed man. He'd flirt with me, and then run. He'd tell me things worked differently in his world, and then kiss me like no tomorrow. Then he'd say it couldn't happen again, but offer me his bed and bring me wine. What actually went on in his mind? Did he see me as someone he could have a fling with, but wouldn't? Or someone he could have feelings for, but couldn't?

He definitely cut me some slack. That much was evident. I was under observation, yet he still let me have my phone, and didn't seem too intent on reminding me what would happen if I spilled what I'd overheard. At least he trusted me not to betray his family. Circle. Whatever.

I let out a long breath and leaned back against the pillows. I sipped some of the wine and then flipped on my Gameboy, which I was suddenly very grateful I'd grabbed from my apartment. I turned down my sound as Crash and Spyro launched, and nestled further into the pillows. I launched the Spyro portion of the game and played half-way through the first level before I saw Arsen watching me.

"What?" I demanded teasingly, and took another sip of my wine. Arsen leaned over a little and plucked the device from my hands. "Hey!"

"My bed, my rules," he grinned, and saved my game before switching to Crash.

"My Gameboy Advance, my rules!" I protested, but my laughter gave me away. "What are you doing?"

"Adrian deleted my save on this once, back when we were kids," he told me as he began playing. "Eventually we traded the Gameboy in. I'm surprised you still have one, especially at your age."

I scowled and grabbed for my game unsuccessfully.

"I'm only six years younger than you!"

Arsen shrugged as if to ignore me, but I saw him fighting a smile. I watched him play sleepily, leaning lazily between our pillows. It was relaxing, and coupled with sipping my wine, was making me fall asleep. After a while, Arsen glanced over to see me struggling to keep my eyes open and smiled. He saved his game, and handed me back the Gameboy.

"Same thing tomorrow?" I drawled, plugging the device in and grabbing one of my two pillows to hold.

"Sleep well, Charlotte," was all he replied with. I was too tired to put up a fight, and slid deep into the covers with my pillow.

I didn't remember falling asleep. I just remembered waking up to an empty bed.

The day after the mountain lion break-in was painfully normal. Alone all day, forcibly friendly dinner, and then almost like we weren't in the same bed that night. Arsen didn't steal my Gameboy, instead focusing intently on what appeared to be dark security cam footage on his tablet.

The next day went the exact same way. I was down to three nights left, and for this little reason called feelings, I felt like the time was slipping away. Would I never see Arsen again? I knew he was busy. Something in the big Know was going down, and it was stressing him out. He wouldn't have time to come around even if he wanted to.

This fact really bummed me out, and on the second to last night, I decided I would make a roast dinner and take a long, cleansing shower while it baked. I grabbed a raspberry popsicle from the freezer and hopped in the steaming shower.

The hot water calmed my racing thoughts, and I closed my eyes as I stood under the water and munched on my popsicle. I could feel some of the popsicle dripping down the front of my body as the steam melted it, but I would just wash it off later. Now, I was just going to relax, and mentally prepare myself for going back to my normal life. I would need to reschedule appointments, get a new phone number, do my best to forget Arsen's existence...

My thoughts were interrupted when the shower curtain flew open.


Next chapter coming soon! But will the MCs?

lmao I'm sorry. The past few weeks have been rough and my brain is fried, but I'm doin' okay today (hence the double update)! Thinking of making some stovetop hot chocolate and reading some of my indie author friends' books tonight. Hope everyone is keeping warm <3

Happy reading!


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