Returning to Normal Part 1

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Arsen didn't say much when he dropped me off. He told me to take care, handed me my backpack, and then waved once as I walked toward my apartment. I tried not to look as he drove away, but I found myself glancing back anyway. His truck sped off around the corner, and just like that, he was gone.

I told myself I wouldn't cry, and for the most part, I didn't. I tidied up my one bedroom apartment, doing my leftover laundry from the week at Arsen's and putting away some dishes I ran before that fateful night. After that, I headed down to the shop to check in with everyone. I got some strange looks from my shopmates, and a careful hug from Jeremy, but no one asked what had transpired. I rescheduled my appointments, drew up some flash tattoos for the Fourth of July, and helped close up at the end of the day.

It was when I got back to my apartment with nothing to do and no one to talk to that I felt the absence of someone else's presence. I busied myself with sketching, but I just ended up drawing eyes. Golden eyes.

"Fuck it," I snapped, and tossed my sketchbook to the floor. I was going to bed. If I cried, so be it. I was the dumbass who let myself catch feelings for someone I had no business getting involved with. That week and a half at Arsen's was supposed to be for observation and making sure I wasn't going to blab anything I heard, which was effectively nothing. It was not for falling in—

Shut up. I clenched my teeth hard as I climbed under the covers of my full sized bed. I was not in love. I just had a silly crush, fueled on by sexual frustration and overall loneliness.

So why, as I lay in bed with my pillow clutched in my arms, did my heartbeat feel off?

I did cry, but only a little. Drowsiness from all that had transpired the past two weeks took over, and I drifted off into a restless, dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I got up early and drove to my local tech shop to procure a new phone number and cancel my old one. I got skeptical looks from the woman helping me, but she didn't ask too many questions. I wished I'd had the mind to save the few numbers I wanted before smashing my phone, but that's not how my trauma worked. I could get my shopmates' and Ryanne's numbers easily enough anyhow.

Once I had my new phone in hand and operational, I headed to the shop to try and carry on life as it was pre-Solstice. I had makeup appointments taking up most of the next few days, and that would keep me preoccupied while I brainwashed myself into pretending I never knew Arsen Volkov.

Why was I so caught up on him anyway? It's not like I had never dated, or gone through breakups before. Ugh. Stupid golden eyes and sexy mouth.

The appointments did a fantastic job of distracting me during the day. Truly. I loved my job, and my art calmed my mind. At night, I still had to fight myself, but it got easier after a few days, and I figured that given enough time, everything would be fine. Maybe I would even go out that weekend, meet someone at a bar, have a good time... Even exchange numbers!

Then, the Fourth came.

I woke up to the sounds of thunder and groaned. Of all days, it had to decide to rain on the Fourth of July? Of all days in Phoenix, Arizona, the Fourth? What were the odds? Phoenix averaged barely more than eight inches of rain a year! But lo and behold, the forecast promised rain through the early afternoon, and the rumbling sky agreed. I grumbled to myself on the way to work, hoping that by nightfall, it would be clear and fireworks would light the sky.

The impending rain did not stop business, however. People came in groups to get flash tattoos and discounts pertaining to the holiday, and the shop was in high spirits as the day progressed. Red, white, and blue silly string occasionally interrupted our work stations, and customers brought with them festive drinks and snacks to pass around. Classic rock and roll played behind the chatter, and I was reminded why the Fourth was always my favorite childhood holiday, second only to Halloween. As much as I hated the gaudy, glorified patriotism in a country where freedom was conditional, I had a soft spot for cookouts and fireworks.

I was up to two firework tattoos, three eagles, and one US flag in the shape of a heart when the Vokov crew entered.

With Arsen trailing in behind them.

"Hey Jer?" I called. Jeremy looked up from where he was tattooing a random client and nodded. "I'm gonna go out back for a few. Kay?"

"Go, Char," he smiled, and I hopped up from my station and slipped out the back door into the sticky, July heat. I breathed in deep, missing winter's crisp, refreshing edge, and sighed. Only soup-like humidity filled my lungs. I sat swallowing the thick air, my head in my lap, until I heard the old door creak open.

It wasn't until it slammed shut and the first raindrop hit the pavement that I turned around.



Ever try doing like, 2000 things at once?

I wouldn't recommend it.

Happy reading!!!


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