Be Back Soon

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The early morning light cast a thin line across the room where it peeked through a space in Charlotte's curtains. It lit just enough to make everything out, but not enough to wake the fiery redhead asleep in my arms. For a while, I simply lay there and listened to the birds calling mixed with the soft sighs Charlotte made in her sleep. I should have been more tired, considering the nearly nonexistent amount of sleep I'd gotten, but I was oddly energized.

Frankly, I was nothing short of euphoric.

Yet at the same time, I was almost terrified as I realized with each passing moment that there was no way I could keep denying what was between Charlotte and me. What had formed so quickly I hadn't even had time to accept it for what it was. I battled with the idea of telling her about the bond. There was no use in pretending it wasn't there anymore, or I'd be lying to myself. But this was a big deal. Bigger than I could confirm she was ready for. Mate bonds weren't permanent unless you shared your Gift and marked your mate, but I had no idea if she would ever want that. The shifter life was complicated and dangerous. How could I ask her to give up the security of humanity for that?

I was getting ahead of myself. Charlotte had only found out the truth yesterday. But it was hard not to think about when I felt this damn much for her. And what had I said to her the night before? Oh right.

"I'm already yours."

My racing thoughts were interrupted by Charlotte shifting next to me, and I smiled to myself. I hadn't planned to come here the previous night, but I couldn't even bring myself to drive halfway home without turning around. She knew everything, and that changed everything. I didn't have to hide or keep myself from her anymore. The dam had broken yesterday, and now I was being swept away by her current faster than I could have imagined. The coming days might be complicated with convincing the circles that she had found out the truth herself, but right now, it was just her and I together with nothing between us.

Literally nothing.

When Charlotte began to wiggle and stretch, my hands flew to grip her hips and hold her still. The last time we'd woken up like this, I'd had to stop myself from pulling her lacy panties to the side and sliding into her.

But this time was completely different, and somehow, even after we were up till the odd hours of the morning doing all the things we couldn't before, I felt myself getting turned on.

"Morning," I told her lowly, and she shivered and arched back into me.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked, reaching back to run her fingers through my hair. I leaned forward to press light kisses to the back of her neck and shoulder, and she gasped softly.

"Not long," I said between kisses. I was in a trance, her smell and warmth against my body hypnotizing me and pulling me in, and I pressed closer so she could feel what she did to me.

"Arsen," she breathed, and I nipped at her shoulder. The shifter in me ached to make her mine. To mark her, Gift her, never let her go. But for now, I could live with just being with her.

"Shall we pick up where we ended last night?" I asked, already sliding my member between her legs. She squirmed against me to create friction between us, and then twisted ever so slightly so that I could thrust into her.

I let out a groan as my cock was enveloped inside her tight channel, and pulled her back onto me hard. Everything about this woman had me losing my mind, and now that I didn't have to keep myself from her, I dove head-first into the insanity.

Charlotte let out a string of incomprehensible sounds as I began to rock into her slowly, and I smiled against her back. Whether whatever we had here kept going or not, I knew I would never get tired of her unhindered reaction to everything we did. For every kiss I planted on her skin, every touch, every move, she returned what I gave in her moans, her little backwards thrusts, her nails in my hair. It reminded me of our first kiss, and how mind-numbingly powerful it had been even back then. Only now, it was so much more, and I couldn't get enough.

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