Between Sheets Part 3

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I let out a scream as the shower curtain slid to the side, my eyes flying open, and gasped when I saw Arsen standing there.

"Arsen!" I scolded, and crossed my arms indignantly. "You scared me! What the hell?"

"There was something cooking, but I didn't see you anywhere," he said urgently, and I leaned against the shower wall with my eyebrow raised.

"Were you worried about me?" I teased. Arsen opened his mouth to answer, but stopped when he seemed to realize that I was showering naked, as most do, and that there was bright pink popsicle dripping down my tits.

"This isn't the first time you've seen me naked," I reminded him, and started licking my popsicle suggestively. His eyes focused on my lips sliding around my popsicle and he scowled.

"Why, Charlotte?" he asked in exasperation. I spun to rinse the melted desert off my chest and smiled over my shoulder.

"I just like giving you a hard time," I quipped. I washed off a little and turned back around to face Arsen, whose jaw was clenched tightly. I glanced down. "Literally, it seems."

"What, ah, flavor?" he asked, motioning with his chin at my popsicle.

"Want to try it?" I began to extend it toward him, but the hot steam decided that was the moment to land its killing blow, and the rest of the frozen dessert dropped off the stick and onto the shower floor.

"There goes my chance," Arsen said in mock disappointment, before flicking his gaze to my lips. Don't do it, Charlotte. Don't even—

"I think there's another way," I told him softly, and moved to stand close to him.

"Just one taste?" He was close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my frozen lips. Don't fucking do it, you ho! Remember what he said about this not being able to happen!

"Just one taste," I breathed, and met his lips in the middle.

A shockwave rattled through my body when our mouths collided, his molten hot and mine ice cold. It wasn't so much the fact that I was naked as much as it was just him that had my body reacting so violently. I immediately felt my stomach clench, my lungs seize up, and moisture pool between my legs. He had a pull over me like none other, and I readily let him use it.

I told him one taste, and taste he did. His tongue plunged past my lips to explore my mouth as he took full advantage of the invitation.. Not that I didn't kiss him back just as enthusiastically, but he was in the driver's seat, and we were cruising at about 90mph. When he sucked my bottom lip and nipped at it gently, I couldn't stop a moan from escaping.

Arsen reached to grip my waist, but I took his wrist and pushed his arm back to his side.

"No touch," I said in his ear. "Only taste."

He made a low sound in the back of his throat, and then, before I could process what he was doing, grabbed both of my wrists and pushed me back against the shower wall. I opened my mouth to protest, but his lips covered mine before I could. I hummed in surprise, the sound vibrating between us, and arched my back to try and feel him. He kept hold of my wrists as he ravaged my lips, and parted my legs with his knee.

"Arsen," I gasped when I felt his knee rub against my exposed clit, but any words I planned to say dissolved into moans when he started circling it. He held my lips hostage as he continued the motion, kissing me through my desperate moans, and kept my wrists securely pinned against the shower wall. Water cascaded around us, soaking his jeans, but he didn't seem to care. When my breathing became too erratic, he freed my lips to kiss next to them, then along my cheek and jaw to nip my ear. He let out a low groan so damn sexy that I almost came right then, before kissing down to my neck. Arsen paused here, taking his time to kiss, lick, suck the skin there, all while still moving his knee against my throbbing core.

I was so close. I felt my abdomen tightening and fought against his hold, desperate to grab onto something.

"Please, Arsen!" I begged, and his hold on my wrists tightened. I was so close. I felt Arsen's teeth graze the skin of my neck, and then...

"Arsen!" another voice called, and we both froze. "Arsen, get the fuck down here! There's been a breach!"

"Nathan?" Arsen called back, and released me to step out of the shower. I whimpered a little at the loss of stimulation, and his head whipped back around.

"I— um—"

"Dammit, Charlotte," Arsen hissed, digging a hand into his hair. "You... I almost... Fuck." He turned to leave the bathroom, shouting to Nathan that he was coming, but paused at the door. "Fuck," he muttered again, and spun back toward me.


He kissed me hard, gripping the back of my head to seal our mouths together. It was a fast kiss. A dirty, biting kiss that would leave my lips swollen. But an angry one, and as soon as it began, it was over.

"Never again," he growled with his forehead pressed to mine. "That was it."

And he let me go, darting out of the bathroom in a hurry and racing down the stairs.

A moment later, I heard Nathan greet him with, "What the fuck?"

They kept talking, but they were outside and I couldn't make anything out. I just stood in the shower, curtain still open, staring blankly at the door and trying to figure out what had just happened. I was still tingling from his touch between my legs, and my heart was pounding from that kiss. Both of them. The taste of raspberry was gone from my tongue, instead replaced with the taste of him, but we'd been interrupted once again. Maybe for the best? It sure didn't feel like it when I had been so damn close to shattering, but I knew there was a lot Arsen could never tell me and that it was probably better that we hadn't gone further.

Even so, the things he made me feel were becoming undeniable. I was way past a silly schoolgirl crush, and that terrified me. I was in deep shit.

That didn't stop me from lowering my hand to the apex of my thighs, wanting nothing but to finish what Arsen had started. My fingers reached their goal, and I leaned back and closed my eyes...

And the fucking oven timer went off.

Fuck me. Literally. Someone. Please!

At least there was food.

I was still thinking about the whole incident hours later when I crawled into bed. Whatever Arsen was up to, I knew it would be a while before he was back. I had half a mind to wait up for him, but his last words had me covering up and turning out the lights alone.

Never again. That was it.



Sorry for the wait! Mental breakdown go brrrrr and I'm just remembering to update again. I never claimed to be good at this (smile/cry emoji). 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and hopefully I can get my head screwed on tight again here soon.

Happy reading!


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