III. Attend Church

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Church is the house of God and there we commune with our Father and our brothers and sisters. As we are sojourners in the world, this is a homely location—a hospital for us sinners with the Lord as our Great Physician.

Why do I need to attend Church?
"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." (Heb. 10:24-25)

As I've touched upon in previous chapters, the Church itself is a very important part of the Christian life. It is where we are supposed to have a community that encourages good behaviour, helps us when we need it, comes together in charity and learning, and receives guidance and learning from our shepherd the pastor.

Even greater than this, it is where we come to experience God's grace in the holy things of the Church. For instance, baptism and chrismation, the Eucharist and matrimony. God gives to us life and regeneration, binding and anointing, and calls the very shepherds we have into the positions they hold. We come together as brothers and sisters to pray and praise God, to confess your sins to the priest and lift it from your shoulders (Jm. 5:16), to consume the lifegiving flesh and blood of the Lord, to sing, to really be present sacramentally as the Bride of the Lord and to have communion with God. It is the greatest expression and act of the Church which should not be neglected by the faithful.

It is of importance, it is our calling, it is not something we can forsake as something tedious. We need the service, we need the holy mysteries—it is transformative, it is healing, it is part of our relationship with God. He is there with us. "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them," He says. (Matt. 18:20)

How often should I attend Church?
Generally, attending as often one can is the best. The more you attend, the more you become immersed in your faith, and the greater spiritual aid you possess. It doesn't mean it is sinful if you miss once or don't go to church every day or every time it is available.

What else should I know?
When you come to church, dress modestly. You are in the house of God and one should dress befitting meeting one's king and God. If you don't have clothes that are super formal, that is okay. Or even formal at all, that is okay. You are called (even in all walks of life) to dress modestly. A lot of churches will suggest garments on their website as well.

If you don't know what to do like the others within the church, it's okay, and you won't be expected to. You can stand at the back and watch, learn, ask questions when you can. Everyone has been at some point in that same position. Over time, with understanding, it'll come more naturally.

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