chapter 2

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Muichiro's POV

I can't belive we killed two uppermoons and survived. I din't get any major injuries so i'm back at training. My memmory got a lot better I can still remember that handsome boy, now that i think about it i never got his name hmmm...Tanjiro will probably know. But first i need to do something.
I walk over to masters estate and knock on the door. "Come in my child" master says "hello oyakata-sama" I bow down "is there something you need?" He asks "Y-Yea i wanted to talk to lady amane if possible" i mutter out "of course dear what do you need?" She says and walks up to me. "Could you please...t-take me to my family's graves" she looks at me suprised and then smiles and nods. We walk deep into the forest and more memmories start to come back. I remeber climbing on the trees with yuichiro and then hanging down from them, scaring our dad, or picking flowers with my mom and making flower crowns. We walked to my house and i walk in. I can't belive i wasn't here for 3 years. I remember the kitchen where i burned the rice and yuichiro yelled at me, or as we messured our hights he was slightly taller than me and wouldn't shut up about it.

A/N i love the twins so much :>

I walk back out to see their graves i come closer to them and drop on my knees i can't feel my legs it just hurts. I pull my hair as i try hard not to cry. The painfull memorries come up.
After a moment of silece i speak up. "Amane-same, when i die i want to be burried next to my family"

Time skip

I was on a patrol in one area to kill some low demons. I killed two and i thought that was it but then i sensed another one. I ran to it's location and as i was attacking it the demon turned and it's that boy again. I crash onto him.

They were like this:

"GAAAAH WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU- oh Tokito-sama i'm so sorry i didn't relize it was you" he started apologizing

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"GAAAAH WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU- oh Tokito-sama i'm so sorry i didn't relize it was you" he started apologizing. "It's okay i should be apologizing i thought you were a demon" I reply. "Yea i get that a lot" he let out a small chuckle "Tell me ermmm...?" I didn't get his name "Genya, Genya Shinazugawa" Shinazugawa? could he be related to that wolf? "So Genya tell me how can you turn into a demon?" "I eat them".
NANI?! "HOW TF DID YOU FIGURE OUT YOU CAN DO THAT?!" I ask suprised"that's a long story" he says scraching the back of his neck.
And akward silence is betweet us until his face starts going red "Uhmmm T-Tokito-sama" he stutters out "Yeah?" I ask confused "Y-You're kinda on t-top of me". I relize what pose we were in "Oh I-I'm so sorry" i get off as i panic on the inside I'M SUCH AND IDIOT HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT. We sit next to a tree as another round of akward silece comes. "I'm sorry again, but may i ask are you the wolf's brother?" He laughts a little on the nickname and says "If you mean the wind pillar yes i am" "But he doesn't like me  beacuse of something i did in the past..." he says looking sad. "If you don't mind me asking what happend?" I ask not wanting to make him uncomfortable "Well long story short our mother turned into a demon, she killed our family, Sanemi had to kill her and i didn't understand she was a i called him a murderer and yelled at him ,and now he hates me" Genya says with sad eyes. Damn I knew Sanemi was an a$$hole but this is nuts, but i know how Genya feels. I put my hand on his hand and say  I understand you. My parents died few days apart and my brother became very cold and distant, he would yell at me a lot. We were growing apart from eachother" i say
"I didn't know you've got a brother"he replies "had, he is also dead" i say in a sad tone

Genya's pov

Oh sh!t i messed up I shouldn't have said that. "I'm so sorry tokito-sama" "it's okay" ... Can i call you tokito-san?"
I ask slightly blushing "Muichiro, call me Muichiro" he looks at me with a small smile.
"O-Okay muichiro O///○///O
We stare at each other, he is so beutiful up close his face hair evrything about him is so perfect.
"I have to go good bye Genya" he says as he runs off. God i love him

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