chapter 6

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Manga spoilers
" =speaking
' =thinking

Muichiro's POV

I woke up in Genya's arms his asleep face was so handsome. I wanted to reapead yesterday but i had to go train. I relized i was stuck ,well shit
I have to wake Genya up. "Genyaaaa" i poke him "what is it angel?" he says half asleep "let me go i have to train"
I say. He opens his eyes, lets me go and sits up. "don't leave me ;-;" he says in a sad tone "i have to go sorry love" i give him one more kiss on the lips and he kisses me back. We stand up and go seperate ways.

I was training with the others when i hear a loud boom i run over to it. Wait that's where m-master mansion is shit shit shit. Is that muzan?!

Time skip to Kokushibo fight

The upper 1 he looks so different from the others uppermoons. Why am i trembeling? i calm down and attack he cuts off my arm shit that hurts. I attack again and he pierces my shoulder with my sword and pins me to a pillar. "The fact that you're my desendant is deeply moving to me" he says. Just stay calm no matter what happens just stay calm. I hear a shot and upper 1 dissapears. And is behind GENYA. No fuck "GENYAAA" I scream
as he cuts off Genya's arm.

My boy really said fuck being calm my boyfriend is dying.

Genya reaches for his sword but gets his other arm cut off "GAAAAAAAAH" i scream again as i try to pull the sword out. Shit shit i can't pull it out.
And then he cuts Genya in half, I'm speechless i don't know what to do. I can feel tears filing my eyes. As uppermoon 1 is about to slice Genya's neck Sanemi appears thank god i think this is the only time i'm happy to see him.

Genya's POV

Aniki went to fight upper 1 and i see Muichiro running to the battle "Muichiro" i yell "Genya you're alive thank god" he seems relived and says "where is the rest off you?" Boy i love you but really? "Ermm could you maybe give me a helping hand?" you idiot he just lost one why did i say it.

3rd POV

"The uppermoons hair, could you bring it back to me" Genya says. Muichiro bring the hair and gives it to Genya. He eats it and starts hearing some voice 'i can feel my body regenerade, what is this voice?' Genya seems like he sees the satan himself. Muichiro gets worried and puts his remaining hand on Genya's back and wraps bandage around him.

 Muichiro gets worried and puts his remaining hand on Genya's back and wraps bandage around him

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After he bandages him up Muichiro hugs Genya to snap him out "Genya snap out of it don't leave me here now" Genya came back to reality

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After he bandages him up Muichiro hugs Genya to snap him out "Genya snap out of it don't leave me here now" Genya came back to reality.
"Sorry i blacked out" Genya says. "I'm happy you're okay but now you need to help me i have a plan" muichiro replies. Genya sits up and starts to tie mui's sword to his hand. "So what's your plan" Genya asks "I will stop the upper 1 for a moment and you need to shoot" muichiro answered "w-what no i can't shoot you i-i can't-" genya said as he grabed mui's hand.

 "So what's your plan" Genya asks "I will stop the upper 1 for a moment and you need to shoot" muichiro answered "w-what no i can't shoot you i-i can't-" genya said as he grabed mui's hand

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They were actually holding hands my babieeeeeees😭

"Genya forget about me, don't hesitate, shoot otherwise everyone will die" muichiro said with sad eyes. Genya could feel tears in his eyes. "Well i hope you will forgive me for shooting you in the future" Genya said akwardly. Muichiro smiled at him, pulled Genya's hand and put it on his (mui's) cheek. He leaned his head in Genya's hand and looked at Genya with the sweetest eyes. "I forgive you, I could never be mad at you love" he said. Genya moved closer to him and held what used to be his hand. Muichiro put his remaining hand on Genya's shoulder. They kissed, the kiss was slow and soft but long.

They pulled away and muichiro ran back to the battle

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They pulled away and muichiro ran back to the battle.

Time skip

'Get in get in get in' muichiro said to himself as he ran to kokushibo. He stuck his sword in him. 'Genya now shoot please forget about me' he begged. Genya was watching this and aimed his demon gun, he closed his eyes and thought 'i'm sorry angel', He fired. 'Shit' Muichiro cursed to himself as the bulets pierced his body, one of the bullets shot his foot off (cannonly happened poor baby). Fuck the he cursed the second time as the roots started growing from him. Unfortunatly the roots didn't stop upper 1 for long and he was ready to attack again. 'Shit i have to do something, Shinazugawa and Himejima will fight to death but we still have muzan to deafead.' Muichiro thought to himself as he griped onto his sword again and it started turning red.
(You know the rest)
As upper 1 crubled away Muichiro laid on his back strugling to breath. His body still in tact yet still bleeding

Genya's POV

Is upper 1 dead yes,yes he is. I ran to Himejima who was holding nemi. "He is okay thank god" I smiled relived. "And where is M-" my eyes widened as i saw the love of my life nearly dead. I ran up to him as fast as i could and dropped on my knees. Muichiro was bleeding a lot. "We killed upper 1" he said "yea we did" i replied "you have to help the others" muichiro was barely speaking. "no, no i-i need to save you, thoose bullet holes in you are all my fault" i was crying at this point. "It's not your fault, besides it's too late for me but you help deafead muzan" he said as blood was driping from his mouth. "I've seen your love" he continued but i was speechless. "Now...I can finally be your angel" his last words before light from his beutiful eyes disapeard and they shut down. I was full on crying ,I put my hand on my mouth to prevent me from screeming but didn't help. I held muichiro's dead body as i cried my heart out.

The end

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