chapter 5

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Genya's POV
"You done?"
I heard someone say, it was tanjiro standing back to us.
I jumped away from muichiro and tried to cover my red face "TF ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?!" muichiro yelled with also red face. "You never told me the diractions to the stone estate so i came back" Tanjiro replies standing there like🧍‍♂️.
"I will guide you there" i said, we started to walk away and i waved muichiro and he sent me a kiss.
"If you tell anyone about this i will blow your brains out got it?" i asked "Y-Yeah" tanjiro said.

Time skip 1 day

I got letter from muichiro to follow his crow after my traing so i did.
She led me to a beutiful lake. Muichiro was standing there we greeted eachother and sat down. He looked as angelic as always. We had great time we walked around the lake we talked and laught. He kept teasing me and i kept blushing like crazy. We walked back to his estate everyone else were asleep or on a mission. We came to his room and talked about things. He still kept on teasing me and i wanted to get back at him. When he stood up i took the chance and pinned him against a wall now his face was red so cute.

Imagine Yuichiro's ghost throwing every curse word known to man at Genya

I wanted to stop at that but i couldn't, i kissed him i loved that taste, i pulled away after few seconds. "I'm so sorry i don't know what came over m-" i was cut out by his lips on mine, so sweet. He pulled away but i wanted more, much more. i picked him up, put him on the bed and laid on top of him. We kissed again, i felt something bite my bottom lip. I wanted to ask what was that but then i felt his tounge in my mouth. I was so red i can't belive this is happening espesially with a hashira. His tounge tried to domitate mine, yea i don't think so. I deepned the kiss as i fought back causing muichiro to let out a little sqeak. I had my hands on his hips. We pulled away. We were both catching our breaths i sat up but he pushed me down on my back and got on top of me. A teasing smirk appeard on his face as to say 'oh how the tables have turned' , God he's so bratty but i love it. He kissed me again with his tounge as he ran his hands on my chest. I put my tounge everywhere i could in his mouth and he did the same. He pulled away again and traced my scar with his finger while smiling "I love your scar it makes your beutiful face much more unique" he said i couldn't help but blush. He kissed my scar and gave me one last kiss on the lips. We sat up and i said "i love you angel" "angel?" He looked confused "Y-yea you talk and look like one you're also as perfect as one. Muichiro was blushing and said i love you too, love. We laid down he wraped his hands and leg around me. I heard a little yawn from him, fatal strike i'm gonna die from cuteness. He was already asleep, I wrapped my hands around him and kissed his head.
Everything was so perfect until one day

Tbc :>

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