chapter 3

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Muichiro's POV

It was nice talking to genya, he seems mean and scary but he's more like a giant marshmallow. "MUICHIRO-KUUUUUUN" I heard someone yell my name it was mitsuri. "What is it?" I asked "Are you done with your missions? if yes i was wondering if you wanted to come to a little sleepover?" She asked excited. "No" i replied "pleaaaaase everyone who were fighting at the swordsmith village will be there" She begged. Everyone who fought...that means Genya will be there, and tanjiro with nezuko too "okay fiiiiine" i said. "KYAAAAA OKAY COME TO MY ESTATE IN THE EVENING AND BRING SOME FOOD AND A FUTON" she yelled as she ran away. I went home and started thinking about what to bring, and then it hit me i can't cook I can't even boil rice without burning it i always forget about it.

 I went home and started thinking about what to bring, and then it hit me i can't cook I can't even boil rice without burning it i always forget about it

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Well shit imma ask shinobu for help.

Genya's POV

Kanroji-san came to me and invited me to a sleepover i was too embarassed to decline. What do i bring there, probably some watermelon. But where do i get a futon let's ask himejima. He was playing with the cats "Himejima-san can i ask you for something?" I asked "Of course what is it he replied "Could you give some futon Kanroji-san invited me to a sleepover." Sure thing follow me.

Muichiro's POV 

I arrived at the butterfly mansion. A girl with black and blue hair greeted me. "Hello tokito-sama" what was her name again kanao no aoi idk. "Where is Kocho?" I asked "She is busy rn but i can help you too" she said. "I need help with cooking food" "okay follow me in the kitchen" i followed her. She started to take out some pots but suddenly boarhead appeard out of nowhere. "WHAT ARE YOU COOKING I WANT FOOOOOD" he yelled, she grabed her slipper and threw it at him. "Get out of my kitchen" she said geabbing a pot in a threatning maner Yui used to do that too ;-;. Boarhead ran away and we continied on cooking.

When we were done the sun was already setting. I thanked her and headed to love estate. When i arrived everyone were already there. "Hello" i greeted them "HIII MUICHIRO-KUUUN" kanroji yelled "hi tokito-san" tanjiro, nezuko and kotetsu greeted me. "Hello Tokito-san" Genya said handsome as ever. We put all the food on one table. Genya brought some watermelons cut in squares and pirced with toothpicks, i brought some fruit dipped in chocolate and some in caramel. Kanroji brought sakura mochi, tanjiro and nezuko brought bento boxes. Whole night we talked about the battle and other things. Kotetsu got tired so he pulled out his futon SHIT i knew i forgot about something. As the night progresed everyone started setting to sleep and i went out for some air. When i came back everyone were asleep i looked over at genya laying on his back sleeping. I was too tired to think so i just laid next to him on my side and put my head on his chest. I felt his hand on my hip as he pulled me closer, than i just fell asleep.

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