chapter 4

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Mitsuri's POV

I woke up along with tanjiro and nezuko others were still sleeping. Tanjiro pointed at something I looked over to see genya and muichiro

This is how they were
(My art)

"Aww they're so adorable" i tried my best not to screem

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"Aww they're so adorable" i tried my best not to screem. Muichiro looked like he was waking up.

Muichiro's POV

I had a crazy dream that i was cuddling Genya. I opened my eyes to see my head lying on Genya's chest, it wasn't a dream. Sh!t was i really that tired. I got up hoping he didn't notice it. Only to see mutsuri,tanjiro and nezuko staring at me. I got out of there not saying a word fuck that was emberassing. I came to my estate and trained the slayers for a bit till Tanjiro also came back. I wondered if Genya woke up already so i wrote him a letter.

Dear Genya

I was wondering if  you came back to the stone estate safely. I really enjoyed our last talk and i would be happy if we could repead it also what are you up to? How is your training going? I must train theese dumbasses (-Tanjiro)
It would be nice to have you here.
Tokito Muichiro

"Can you deliver this to Genya" I said to my crow Ginko. She took the letter and i began to train again.
30mins. later i recived a response and that's how we began writing letters to eachother multiple times a day to the point our crows were tired.
One day i got an idea i told my crow to deliver this message to Himejima.

Tanjiro Kamado has finished my traing but he can't remember the diractions to your estate please send Genya Shinazugawa to guide him.

My crow flew off about an hour later Genya came to my estate where i was talking to Tanjiro. "Hello i'm here to guide Tanjiro to the stone estate" he said "Oh hello Genya, but why guide me?" Tanjiro andswered confused. I heard that you had problems with diractions to the stone estate so i came to guide you there" Genya sounded also confused. "But Tokito-san never gave me
the di-" " Okay enough chit chat." I cut him off. "Tanjiro go now and Genya i need to talk to you." I told them "okay" both said Genya follows me as i stand on
this thing they're sitting on idk how to describe it

" I told them "okay" both said Genya follows me as i stand on this thing they're sitting on idk how to describe it

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now my and Genya's eyes are on the same level. "So what did you wanna talk about?" He asked I didn't say anytging just put my hand on his face slightly rubbing his scar with my thumb smiling. "Tokito-sa-" i cut him off by kissing him. His lips were cipped but yet so sweat i loved that taste. We pull our faces away he was red af so cute. "Genya i love you so much" he looked at me dumbfounded and then said. "Why do you love me i can't use breathing styles i have scars everywhere i'm the definition of a mess but you, you are perfect you're a hashira and so beutiful and you're like an angel so why love me?" He looked at me with a sad face i was shocked. I then put my hands on his face and say. "You may not be perfect to yourself or other but for me you're perfect just the way you are I love you." I said "I love you too" he said. I put my hands on his shoulders and pull him into a kiss a bit longer it was great so sweet. He puts his hands on my waist and pull me closer.

Tanjiro's POV
I was walking but then it hit me Tokito never gave me the diractions I turned around and walked back only to see Genya and Tokito kissing this is the second time walked on someone kissing. They didn't notice me i turned my back to them and waited. When the sound stopped i asked
You done?


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