Rowankit ( Closed)

14 0 4

A/N: The kit will appear in " Forbidden Love"

The appearance of the kit: A pale ginger tabby with black ears, has six toes in one of her front paws and green eyes

Gender: She-cat

Personality: Currently unknown

Mother: Yellowpelt: A yellow tabby she-cat with a white chest, paws, and tailtip, green eyes

What Clan is the mother from?: ThunderClan

Father: Rowan: A dark ginger tabby tom with black ears and paws, has six toes on his both front paws

What Clan is the father from?: None ( Loner)

Other kin:


Gingerkit, Willowkit, Duskkit, Rowankit, Dustkit, Fallowkit

Darkkit ( By @ KittyCZ1 on Reddit)

Jaykit, Shallowkit ( By @ Limesploch on Reddit)

Sick it, Mushroomkit , Toekit ( By hibiscusflight6660 )

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