Foxheart x Raggedstar (3/3)

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A/N: The kit will appear in " Nutmeg's adventure"

The appearance of the kit : Mottled ginger and brown with green eyes

Gender: She-cat

Personality: Currently unknown

Mother: Foxheart: A bright ginger she-cat with green eyes

What Clan is the mother from?: ShadowClan

Father:Raggedstar: A massive dark brown tabby tom with dark amber eyes

What Clan is the father from?: ShadowClan

Other kin:

Maternal : Poolcloud ( Grandmother), Toadskip ( Grandfather), Wolfstep and Cloudpelt ( Uncles), Littlekit ( Aunt)

Paternal: Featherstorm ( Grandmother) , Hal ( Grandfather), Scorchwind ( Uncle), Russetfur ( Aunt), Yellowfang's 2 she-kits (Older sisters) , Brokentail ( Older brother)

Name choices:

Dappledkit, Petalkit, Leafkit, Berrykit ,Sparrowkit( By RandomPaw on Wattpad)

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