Aspenkit ( Closed)

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A/N: The kit will appear in " Who does she love?"

The appearance of the kit: White with grey tabby patches, amber eyes

Gender: Tom

Personality: Currently unknown

Mother: Rainflower: A beautiful grey she-cat with amber eyes

What Clan is the mother from?: RiverClan

Father: Whitefang: A huge snowy white tom with brown tabby striped tail and paws, blue eyes

What Clan is the father from?: RiverClan

Other kin:

Littermates: Dewkit, Larkkit ( Fathered by Marshcloud)

Crookedjaw and Oakheart ( Older brothers) , Mossflower and Mistyfoot ( Nieces), Stonefur ( Nephew )

Marshcloud ( Uncle)

Name choices :


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