Chapter 2: The woes of Giyu Tomioka the de facto janitor

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Another day, another person that absolutely trashed the bathroom, and another mental breakdown. The day following the fanta chugging contest wasn't even the worst day of that week. It was the THIRD FUCKING WORST. This man has seen some shit, but despite Sabito and Makomo's desperate pleas he did not quit, for he had a goal. He did not want to have to do another interview. So, he went about his day as usual. He would get in around 6:30 only to find that once again he was on shift with Shinobu. And the person on duty the previous night had not done their job. Again. So of course, he was left to cover their ass and clean up the messes of children and that creepy ass old man who just stared at the person on the register without breaking eye contact (and without blinking). Oh him, HIM he could rant about that guy for days.
    Muzan Kibutsuji was his name and bitch boy was his game. He came in every morning at opening time (yes this man went to fucking McDonalds at like 5 in the morning) and ordered a black coffee with absolutely no sweeteners or creamer WHATSOEVER. And he fucking chugged it. Then he stared into the souls of the employees while he ordered  passed t
THadis ass.
ER coffee and sat down and did his work for 5 HOURS WITHOUT BREAKING EYE CONTACT. Once 5 hours h his coffee cup AND LEFT. Oh to see Inosuke beat hANO
his motherfucker stood up and just casually knocked over.

You know what im just gonna leave it like this this is the perfect end to the chapter.

I lied it's not the end.

Caption: Graphic design is my passion (part 1 of many)

    Muzan was one of many annoying as shit customers that Giyu suffered the wrath of on the daily, and he was already costing the company like a LOT of money in lawsuits. I will not elaborate and you cannot force me to. As mentioned before, there were a shit ton of annoying customers during his shift alone. AND THAT WAS ONLY THE FUCKING CUSTOMERS. God. Just thinking of the staff made him so fucking pissed. That was why he had a daily ritual of flipping off everyone in the store and praying that they all got food poisoning (actually this happened multiple times a day). Sanemi. Oh Sanemi. He didn't think this much internal screaming was even possible until he interviewed at goddamn McDonalds and he had really come to hate Shinobu over his time at the storm. "I swear she's got to be a sadist," he mumbled as he miserably scrubbed the walls down. The third fucking time this week he had to clean the goddamn bathroom after an absolute disaster, or as some might say, a shit storm. As in the legendary supershitter. But that is a story for another day for I do not know how to write a properly flowing story lmao.
    After cleaning up the shitstorm/daily disaster in the bathrooms, he would check inventory and cry in the back of the restaurant for exactly 15 minutes before coming out to help with assembling orders for the rest of his shift. You know, when you put it out like that it doesn't sound that bad but you honestly haven't lived until you've accidentally dropped a burger on the floor and suffered the wrath of both an extremely stressed Aoi, an extremely angry Sanemi (though to be fair asshole was pretty much his default setting), and an extremely bitchy Claire's employee on break with a sadistic co worker (we all know who) snickering while getting yelled at for not taking orders fast enough. That or been invited to an extremely shitty and next level awkward Christmas where you have to bring the food yourself because the company is too fucking lazy to at least give you some food so you try and get some ice cream for yourself and break the ice cream machine and end up staying the night trying to fix the frickin thing only to give up at 6 in the morning and start your shift cleaning up leaking ice cream on approximately 0 hours of sleep. As riverdale once said, "you haven't lived until you've known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football working at McDonalds. Mostly epic lows though."
    You know what fuck this he was putting in his 2 weeks notice and dropping this shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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