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Huggeee time skip to a week into the school so its now the thursday and yea suck a dick im lazy and a high school student so yeah.

Scaramouches pov

I wake up by my beeping alarm.
I shut it off and roll over in my warm bed hiding from the cold bitter moring.
Ive always been a hevy sleeper my sister hates me for it.
I fell asleep again sniking into my black sheets and my red bear i have from when i was little.
I could feel myself drift back to sleep despite knowing i have school i still let myself get numb in my warm bed.

Ginger locks brushed angest my face, gingles and sun. The warmness from my heart and the sun beams bright.
Childe, Ajax...

" 3, 2 ,1 , 1 , 2 ,3"
A womans voice soothes me to conchessnes. I open my eyes.
" you're going to be late , dont stress out ei"
The pink haired lady in jewelry says
Yea is already ready for her day her red and white suit and expensive bag she had hanging from her wrist.

" get Out Of MY room!!" I yell grading the pillow i was sleeping on and chuck it at her, not really trying to hit her.
She easily steped out the way, she was very used to my out bursts although she doesnt help my tempere she sure knows how to block and dodge.

As she leaves laughing to her self i was able to collect my thourghts.
..was childe in my dream
My dream?
My very nice and peaceful bream?

I think about it more trying to pin the face of the dream boy i was cubbleing with in my unconches staut.
The soft ginger hair the durty frechles,the deep dead blue eyes ...it was ajax.
I sit there for a minute before bunching up my blanket and screaming into it.
My face felt as if i dipped it into molten rock.
My knees got all weak and my stupid heart was going WAY to fast.
I try get out of my bed, im just tried thats all. I should take a shower im not feeling my self.
After my shower i try push that gitty feeling away. I almost worked but could still feel it creep up.
I got dressed into a old metallic shirt and blackjeans with a red cardegen tied around my waist and my conves.
I run down my stairs as i check the time. I dont wunt to run after the dus. My mother could take me but her being the fucking princabil its not really something i wunt to be noticed for.
I take some keys and run out my house trying to not step on our two cats.

I run thourgh a couple of people acadently bimping into one i fall onto the pavment hit my back on a wall.
I was going to yell at the bitch but i was already running late and didnt wunt to miss my bus.
I tried to run past him but he grabrd my arm.
" where do you think youre going pip quick?"

Childes pov

My song playing thourgh my one ear as a let one of my earbuds hung. I was walking towords the stop,sure i was alittle late but i was help out my brother who doesnt know how to tie a shoe lack i ended up traching them all.
I smiled to myself.
I just as i was going to turn the corner I herd a couple of guys threaten  someone. I like to saty out my dusniss
They were all in and ally way not a hidden one but one that is a pretty good place to hash things out.
I know of that personaly.
I try turn my corner and past the men but something couct my attenchen.

" what think you cant bump into us and get away with it? Hm? Bitch boy?"a man says

" im in a hurry could you do this another fucking time "
That voice..that cold tone.
I stop in my tracks thankfull almost hinded.
" excuse me!? What you wunt to range an appointment to beat the shit out of you?"
" youre really that narcissistic to try beat me because i ran into you? God are you fucking brain dead or what? "
I swear i know that fucking voice..

"OH! You little bitch!"
I herd an impact.
Ouch.. i steped forword.
The scean was sometjing i never thourght i would see.

He was hold up one of his hands towords his bleeding noise. Hes eyes glued to the man i assume blowed that punch.
Hes other hand cluched even from where i was standing i could see the vains.
The men looked damn proud of themselves
I was about to step in with i saw
Scara go for a punch back , the man got thrown back and hand clearly been taken aback he held his eye where scara hit.
Black eye maybe?
Another tryed to hold scaras soldiers to knee him in the stomach.
I was stand there trying to get in thsi scrap.not because i love a fight but a sense of proteciveness corsed thorgh my vains my anger was bilding up i didnt know how much longer i could just stand there.

He wasnt the weakest sure but his physical strengh isnt as good as a full grown man sure he can pack a punch that can get you in to a hospital but compered to a Big fully gtown male ..
I felt heat rise like my hairs stond up.
My fists cluch hard.
I ran
I saw the man push scar to the wall his hands still cluring into scaras sholders.

Once i got close enough i punch him as harx as i could
Anger and rage had taken over my bady i was ingolfed with anger.
Then bounched on his feet and putting his hand in his pocket holding something.
If i wernt in a total rage i could have clearly seen hes trying to grabe a weapon.
But i in that momnet was so anger that they deared to touch my scaramouche.

Thr man now hiding so.etjing in his hand ran towords me i was about to pinch this guy again with all the strengh i had but

Hehe hi me again if you are wounding why tf its so u know gang bang its cos i hostly wunted to make them get into a fight and two i live in sunny side south africa where this shit happens all the time so yea

Word count 1012

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