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Time skip into latter into the week cos im lazy as shit

So its Wednesday

Childes pov

I lock the door behind me
As i start walking to the stop as i look up to the sky
The light blue and yellow painted the sky with cold soft clouds
I start getting closer and closer to the stop
The more close i get the more i can feel my heart jump in my chest
I turn to corner to see the stop
The bench was taken by the small boy ive know and love
I could feel a smile from on my face unconchesly
Scara is laying on his side leening on the sheided wall of the stop
His book lazyaly placed on his lap but it seems as it was about to fall to the ground
Did he fall asleep?
I walk up to him and stand in front of him

No reaction from him
"Scara? You awake?" I say kneeling down to his level
He still didnt react
"Mouche?" I say softly
As i place my hand on his four head under his hair
I was trying to see if he was sick
But with the contact it woke him up
His eyes slowly opened but not by much
He grouned at the bright light

His eyes looked around before landing on me
I expacted him to back up or yell at me
Instead he looked me straight in the eye and pushed my face away lazily
"Its to early for gingers, arent you guys nocturnal or something" he said gathering his things before they fell
"The fuck? Nocturnal?" I say sitting next to him helping him gather his shit
I notice his book
I held it up and read to cover
"You like poems?" I sat turning to him
His aloofed face soon turn to an embarrassment one
He snatch it from my hands and held it close to his person
"Scara its not a bad thing i just never saw you as a poem guy" i said placing a hand on his back
He smacked it away
"What does that mean?" He said stuffing his book in a bag
"You think i dont like art? Or do you think im brain dead?"
He continued

"What no! I just-" i say cutting myself off
"Come what sorrow can,it cannot countervail the exchange of joy,that one short minute gives me in your sight" scara quoted out of no where
( yall nerds will know its romeo and Juliet)
"What does that mean?" I say chucking at his slightly blushing face
" it means- ...it means " Scara drags it on
He looks into my confussed eye
"It means fuck you" he said standing up
"Scara if you dont tell me what it means ill google it" i say standing up after him
"Ha! Like you will remember that word for word" he said conferdintly

Hes right..
I pull out my phone ready to type it to the best of my ability
But the screaching of the bus catches both of our attenchens
Scara waited for my to get on the bus first then went on right after

"Hello my good fellows , ready for the art museums?"
Dottore asks as i sit down with scaramouch not finding a place to seat , sits next to me
"Yea by the way how is this going to work anyway?" I ask
"We go to school and have 2 classes before going on a bus the the place we eat lunch there and head back" pataloon said
"Wheres singnora?" Scara asks
"She said shed rather eat her own hanf then go to an art museum so i hope that answers your queastion" pataloon answered

Scara sighed and leened on the seat infront of him witch was dottores
I was debating whither or not to pull him to leen on my sholder but he seemed fine just laying there
"You alright?" Dottore asks poking him on the head
"Didnt sleep at all last night"
He said falling back so dottore cant pock him anymore
He leened back
His head layed in between my neck and sholder
I looked up to see if dottore or pantaloon was lookinh before placing an arm around him , bring him closer as he leen his head towords mine

"Why cant you sleep?" Dottore asks looking on his phone most likely texting Singnora
"My fucked ankle keeped me up , its sour from sunday" he said as he stoped leening on me but my hand was still on his waist
" witch reminds me mouche, how did you hurt your ankle?" I ask slightly squeezing his waist
His attenchen was cought and he looked at his wait then at me.
His face lit up with a shade of pink
Witch made me smirk
"Uh-i um , remember i said i was ditching something?" He said looking away
"I uh had to jump a wall to get to the place and i migt have fell i acataly fell twice-" he said embarrassed whispering the last part
Witch cued pataloon and Dottore laughter

Anthor time skip cos fuck u im lazy!
Its now after 2 classes and they are all standing in the lot lining up to get on the bus

I look up to the sky seeing it start to get more and more gloomly
I look back to the croud of people the buses werent aragned in any order so people could just pick what ever they wunted
It was on a time limit
So not all people were making thier ways on the bus
But our group decided to get on so we could sit together
Im found pataloon but we are missing scaramouche and dottore
I was sitting on the floor while pataloon was calling dottore
As he finally finshed the call as i stand up
"Alright they are by bus two lets go" he said walking witgout waiting for me
I stumbled abit trying to follow him
As we get to the bus i see scaramouche talking to dottore with his over sized hoobie and a packet of sour patch kids in his arms
"Ooh sour patch kids my favourt!" I say leening over scara as he lightly pushed me aside
"Wow you knew it was his favourt?" Dottore asks surprised

"Wait you didnt just pick it coincidently?" I ask abit taken aback that scara knew it was my favourt
He scoffed
"No i picked it for you idoit , i dont like sour things" he said bring the bag to my chest witch i took gladly
" i know cos your little brother didnt stop talking about you- kinda embarrassing i didnt relise it was you he was talking about" he said kicking the side of the tare

After that we got onto the bus pataloon sit infrout of us as we sit close to the back
I was acataly more thrilled about sitting next to scaramouche then going on the trip in the first place

Word count:1169

im trying to keep this post regularly but exam are like on 2 weeks and im sceard for my life
Btw if anyone is still woundering about the quote

 im trying to keep this post regularly but exam are like on 2 weeks and im sceard for my lifeBtw if anyone is still woundering about the quote

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