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Hey it me , if im being host ive been putting this off for awhile so sorry if yall were "starived" idk i bet no one cares but either wayy i didnt know wither to make this cute or cringy cute...( i picked both)
You will see what mean .

Scaramouches pov

We all were excoriated to the eating area after looking at all the exhibits
There was benches and tables under a small roof as the rest was still getting socked by rain
A small food stall was offirning all kinds of food and snakes
I was about to stand in line but someone grabed my arm i protested by trying to shuve the hand off my arm but the hand didnt budge and turned me around
I was meet with the firmiller face of childe
"What?" I say not suger couting my tone witch i saw got to him alittle
"Can i uh show you something? Its just out side then i will buy you food i promise" he said but his eyes keeped darting , to me then something behind me
Before i answered i turn my head to see what he keeped looking at 
There was alot of people but my eye pined on the idiotic man throwing a thumbs up to childe
I narrowed my eyes and the big idoit saw and ducked down as if to hide.
What is going thourgh ittos head
Before i could do anything else childe took my hand in his and draged me out side
"This is the second time you draged me out in the rain ajax, do you wunt me to get sick?" I say trying to catch my footing to his rampid ones
"Oh - sorry mouche i really need to show you something" he said not bothering to turn to me

He brought me into the graben area of the museum little angle status sarowed the garden of flowers that somehow looked even more beateful in the rain we followed the little path made of flat peaces of rock
He brought into a greenhouse finally out the rain
It was filled with eivy and green plants all over growed in the beautiful pattern of the glass walls

"Ajax.." i say not finding the words
"Its pretty?" He said trying to guess my words i lost
I nod and he chuckles
"I never knew of this place actually " childe abmited
I looked around , walking away abit from childe to get a better look
"I havent been here since i was i kid..." i say not thinking before i spoke as i was still looking around amazed on how this used to look so plain and unfinshed now looks as life itself bloomed here
I noticed a flower and kneeled down to get a closer look
"My mom would leave me here for hours when she was working" i say not really noticing i was talking at all
" id always cry when she was late, ha i was such a pussy..but i guess thats why i like art ..it always there.." i say gently touching the petals of the flower
"Your mom left you here? On your own?" Childe asks
Then it hit me
I just told childe almost eveything without relising
If he didnt say anything i would have keeped talking
" uhhh.." i clear my throught acwordly as a stand up leaving the flower
" she was busy..and we didnt have anyone to take care of me , so it soon became a daily thing id stay here for 3 hours if i was lucky, usually till it closed" i say trying my hardest not to spill my heart out but my mouth didnt let me.
" i mean i was fine- i just was lonely- i mean -" i tryied to make it sound less sad
I looked down
" kuni , its fine " childe said walking to me
I turn my body away from him
I opened my mouth to say anything but i stoped myself

Childes pov

He didnt face me
I saw the flower he was playing with.
I bend down and gently pick it
I held it in my hand spining it slitly
It was a soft white with a purple gradient in the middle
I made my way to him and gently place my head on his sholder
I feel him joilt abit
So i moved my head off him and giding him to face me
He looked up at me
And i placed the flower behind his ear
" scara...its fine to open up" i said in a soft tone
He tock in a shaken breath then very hastily fell into my arms
Huging me
"Im fine , im not alone anymore" he said
That made my heart melt
I huged him close as my heart blows up in million flams
"Your so sweet scara " i say swaging me and him around
"Oh shut uppp" he said pushing himself away from me
"Is this why you draged me out here? I wunt me food" he said ready to leave but i block his path
"No just uh wait -" i say inclear on how i should explain to him why he should stay
He looks at me in confusion

Are you free this weekend?
Please go on a date with me?
I have a movie at home and was wondering if you wunted to watch it with me?
So many ways to say it
But i dony know what scara likes and his temper doesnt help
Ittos voice plays in mh head
Pick up line right

I place my hand on the wall behind scara , pinning him to the wall
He didnt have a reaction surprisingly
"Sooooo~? You and me look good together, maybe we'll look even better on a date, what do you say?"
I said grinning
Scaramouches face was blank for awhile
Before he started violently laughing
"BAHAHHHAH!!! WAS THAT A SAD WAY TO ASK ME OUT!?? HAHA" i said holding back his head trying tk controll his laughter

"Hey! Dont laugh!" I say moving my hand off of the wall
"How CAN I NOT!!" He said laughing again holding his stomach.
"Com' on at least i asked" i said now regreting the whole pick up line thing
He chuckled alittle before getting an idea him
" thats right you did" he said walking towords me
He then lifted himself up and taking his soft finger along my jawline
I swolle a thick pit of drool as my adims apple bobes up and down
Witch scara noitced
He moved his finger to my chin lifting my head up as he softly places a kiss on my throat
He lets go
And starts to walk out the glass room
"Its a date ginger" he said now walking out but before he closed the door he looked back he stretched his arm out
"You promised me food" he said
I was still to stun to speak
I weakly take out my credit card giving it to him i was still stearing into the abyss but i knew his grin grew wide when he took my card
Closing the door

Word count:1188

I cut my finger with a stack knife :) it hurt

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