F + child! reader

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platonic fluff lolz

The reader is about 10 in this


I walked around the white canvas slowly, looking around myself constantly to be sure that none of those letters were following me. most of them were pretty big compared to me, and i'm pretty tall for a child. I wanted to find a place to sit that was far away from the big letter-shaped creatures. I scanned the empty white surface until i saw a big mountain in the distance. It looked creepy, but seemed to be my only choice if I wanted to avoid those things. I sighed and looked behind me, jumping instantly when i saw two letters right up in my face. They appeared to be the letters "L" and "O." 

I screamed and started to run away. They did not follow me. 

- time skip -

I ran until i reached the very entrance of the cave within the mountain i saw a while ago. I guess i was running for about 30 minutes, if you get rid of all of the breathers i took. I looked at the dark entrance for a second, before marching straight inside. Sadly, i couldn't see a thing due to how dark it was inside of the large tunnel. I kept walking, and froze when i saw what looked like another letter. I could barely see the letter because of how dark it was, but it looked to be the letter F. It was leaning on the wall with its eyes closed, and there was an unlit lantern next to them. I didn't know what to do. Was it asleep, or did it know that i was there? If it was asleep, would I wake it up if i walked away? 

I didn't have enough time to do anything as the human-sized F slowly opened its eyes. It made a confused noise and expression, turning on the lantern it had beside it. We stared at each other until i finally had the confidence to speak up. 

"Uhhh..Hello?" I said. It tilted its head like a dog, showing its confusion. "Efff?" It said the letter it looked like..F. I half guessed that the letter could understand me, hoping my assumption was correct. 

"..Can you hear me?" I asked them. They nodded slowly, visibly looking tired. "Okay..what's your name?" I asked another question. "Efff." They repeated what they said last time. "..F? is that your name, F?" They nodded again. "Okay." I paused for a second, before getting an idea. 

"Do you think i could maybe..Stay here? with you?" I asked nervously, seeing their eyes widen. 

"I mean, i want to because, the other letters out there- they uh, scare me.." I added, hoping to convince them. "You don't seem all that threatening..I hope.." 

I could tell they were thinking about it. I sat down, distancing myself from them slightly. "..Eff.." they made another tired noise, nodding. I smiled and scooted next to them. 

"Thank you.."


why was this embarrassing to type omg

this is kind of just an example of how i write, but yeah oneshots will be short like this one

alphabet lore x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now