No more running

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Destiny's POV

I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about tomorrow when Demi has to leave. What will happen then? Will we distance ourselves from each other again? I look at Demi's beautiful face, she is sleeping so calmly in my arms. I don't know what i've done to deserve this amazing girl in my life.

Demi scares me when she lets out a small cry. I look at her and she is still asleep. Her calm face turns into a frown and she starts shifting uncontrollably. I get concerned so i sit on the bed.

"No" she says still in her sleep.

"Demi?" I whisper.

"No no.." She keeps saying, sounding like she is going to cry. I try to shake her but she isn't waking up.

"Demi please wake up." I whisper now scared because i don't know how to handle these kind of things.

"NO!!" She screams and i feel her nails dig in the skin of my wrist.

"Ow!" I say when i feel the pain and i see that Demi woke up. She is now sitting on the bed too and staring at me with wide eyes.

"Demi?" I ask carefully.

"Y-you are s-still here?" She stutters tears in her eyes.

"What? Of course i am here?" I say confused. She looks at me tilting her head to the side.

"I thought you left me?" She almost whispers.

"What the fuck why would i leave you?" I ask even more confused.

"I-i.. Never mind.." She says and lays back down, her back facing me.

"Baby?" I ask still concerned and stroke her side.

"Just hold me. Please." She says so quietly that i can barely hear her.

What was that about? I decide that i will ask about it in the morning when we both are fully woken up. I lay down too and wrap my arm around Demi and pull her closer.

"Good night Demi." I say and give her a little kiss on the neck.


I wake up with a headache. This always happens when i haven't slept enough. I try to find the warm body next to me with my eyes still close. When i can't find her i open my eyes and see that there is no one there. I look at the clock, it's only 7am. I groan and get up. I change quickly and do my morning routine. When i go downstairs i see Demi in the backyard sitting on a chair. Is that a cigarette?!

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I almost scream when i see Demi smoking.

"I found your gigarettes and i thought i could borrow one.." She says like it's no big deal.

"I didn't know you smoke.." I say looking at the gigarette in her hand.

"Well i don't but i just needed some kind of relase." She says quietly.

"Oh fuck no you're not going to smoke then!" I say taking the cigarette out of her hand and instead of throwing it away i take a deep breath of the smoke.

"I remember you told me that you were trying to quit?" She says frowning.

"I did. I don't smoke anymore." I say and throw it away. She just nods and looks around.

"What do you need relase of?" I ask after a while. She keeps silent and i start getting concerned.

"Demi?" I ask again. She jumps off the chair.

"JUST STOP OKAY IM FINE I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!" She screams. I throw my hands up in defence and put them behind my neck.

"Sorry.." I whisper scared of her loud reaction. She looks at me in the eyes sending a shiver down my spine, thats how cold she looked. She runs inside leaving me confused. This is our last day together before she needs to go back on tour and i have no idea when we will meet again. So this day can't keep going like this. I walk inside but i don't see Demi anywhere. I decide to pack my things for work. I have afternoon shift and after that we promised to take Demi and Natalie to the airport. After a while i go upstairs to get my keys. When i enter my room i see Demi in front of the mirror tears rolling down her face. I walk to her wrapping my arms around her from behind and putting my chin on her shoulder.

"It's just one of those days when i don't feel really great about myself.." She whispers. I just stare at her face in the mirror for a while.

"Smile." I simply say.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Come on smile!" I say and tickle her a little and she starts giggling.

"Look at that smile! You're so beautiful." I say kissing her cheek. And your body is hot, damn. I think to myself. She turns around and puts her arms around my neck.

"I don't deserve you." She says. "I just scream at you and you still come here and make me smile. I don't know how you can stand me when i don't even stand myself.."

"We are just human, we are not perfect. We all have these kind of days." I say looking at the reflection of us hugging in the mirror. There was a short, comfortable silence.

"I thought you had left me again.." Demi says quietly. I pull back a little and look at her frowning. Her arms fall on her sides.

"The felt so real." She says looking really focused. "I'm scared." Her eyes meet mine again.

"I'm not going to leave you. I promise. No more running away. I will never leave unless you want me to." I say taking her in for a hug.


"DESTINY WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!" My mom yells when she sees me coming down the stairs. I knew she would yell at me when Demi wasn't around because she is nice like that.

"Well good morning to you too mother." I say smiling and take a cup of coffee. Acting like my mother was not close to throwing her own cup of coffee at me.

"You scared the shit out of me!" She continues. "Why would you do that? Why did you do that to Demi?!" I look at her when she mentions Demi but i still remain silent.

"Do you realise that you can't treat people like that!" She yells and i nod. I give her the time to let it all out cause it's better that way than we both screaming at eachother. That would never end.

"Oh that poor girl. She is really good for you, please don't scare her away." She says.

"I know...thank you." I say and hug her.

"Don't run away like that again Des." She says and leaves the kitchen.

Demi and Natalie left somewhere to do business or something. Demi had just told me that she can't tell me cause it's still a secret to others but her management.


"Hey guys!" I greet my co-workers with a smile.

"Hey Destiny." Josh says and walks to me. "How are you today beautiful?" He asks and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm good Josh, how are you?" I ask backing away.

"Good now that you are here." He smirks.

"Josh, i'm sorry. I'm not interested in you that way and i'm kind of with someone.." I say carefully.

"But..-" he is about to say something but our boss comes in and asks me and some other girl to serve.

I serve for a while and then i hear someone yell my name i turn around and see a girl who looks like 15 years old. I can't recognize her but she looks at me like she has something to say.

"OH MY GOD SHE IS THE ONE!! She is the girl Demi Lovato was kissing!! They are all over the news!!" She yells and points at me. Some girls, her friends apparently and some other people are staring at me now. I feel my cheeks turn red when i look around.

"Omg i ship you guys so hard!! You are sooo cute together and i can see you make Demi happy!" She squeals and keeps talking fast and i can't really understand everything at the moment. I see couple people recording me and the girl and I don't know what to do.

"Whoaa what is happening here?" Josh asks when he comes from the back room. I struggle for a minute to find words to say.

"Well...some people found out about me and that someone who i am kind of with right now.." I say looking blankly at the people who are all staring at us now.

"Who are you with?" He asks confused.

"Haven't you been watching the news boy?" An old man shouts from the corner.

"No i haven't! Cause i can't focus on anything else than this girl. I'm in love with her.." Josh says proudly so everyone can hear. I look at him shocked and before i can do anything his lips are on mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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