Two peas in a pod

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Bob X Kehlani "Thor" Simpson
(STRICTLY platonic!!!!)

Yes I came up with a middle name for bob! So don't come for me😂😂 I also love impalas. You know that feeling when your best friend's face lights up with happiness over something they genuinely find something amusing or that makes them happy? Yeah. Well there are some moments(I hope) like that in this:)

You know that saying "two peas in a pod" or "Dynamic Duo"? Yeah, well that's exactly what Bob & I were.

Meeting Bob for the first time in academy, it was awkward. We didn't talk much at first, but when we did we instantly clicked. He was more introverted and I was extroverted. I just kinda "adopted" Bob as my friend. The stitch to my Lilo, if you will.

Bob was one to never be invited out or had many friends. So understandably, he felt out of place and so I wanted to change that. When I started talking to bob, he initially thought i was messing with him just like how Jake did because I was friends with him.

That wasn't the case. I understood how Bob felt when someone didn't invite me to something or not having many friends. So when we got to know each other more over a lunch date, he realized that we weren't that different from the other and that's what made us best friends. I brought Bob out of his shell( Kind of) and he brought me calmness.

If I were being completely honest, Bob is such a sweet, and kind person. Shy, but that was fine. Bob was my friend, best friend at that. Becoming friends with Bob was incredible, I can see his face light up. It was the first time that anybody made Bob feel noticed and the first time I felt like I was just a person and not just the admiral's daughter. That made my heart melt.

Us being best friends worked in our favor. Duty station to duty station, we were with each other. Being best friends with bob, is wonderful. He only showed me a side to him that no one else knew. Bob is a jokester, smart, caring and beyond sweet. From I what I know from bob is that I'm someone he looks up to, and that I'm a sibling from another universe.

There was an unsaid rule that everyone knew and i had no issue enforcing. That rule was: Do no wrong to Bob!. Bob knew how protective you were over him, so that's why he looked up to you like an older sibling. 🥹❤️

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