I would rather hate you

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Jake & Civi!Reader

Jake and you have been dating for almost three years now. The both of you are talking about what the next step in the relationship would be after this big mission. Marriage,right? Oh how wrong you were.

Jake went to the bar, you didn't feel like going. So you were sitting on the couch watching tv until you got a text from coyote. It was a picture of Jake and a girl being really close with each other. You didn't know what you were feeling. Anger? Hurt? Both?

That same night you drove to the bar and saw it with your own two eyes. Jake kissing another girl. You wanted this to be fake, but it wasn't. Literally three years wasted. Everyone saw it, including Penny. So penny did what she did best and rung the bell. Penny told him the he was paying for everyone tonight and he wasn't sure why. Penny pointed to you and Jake looked like he seen a ghost. Tears were filling your eyes, which made everything blurry. Coyote held you, and made you cry into him. Coyote and Jake were best friends, of course, but at this moment, he was pissed. Coyote actually liked you (platonically).

"Hey can we talk about this, princess?"

As you let go of Coyote, you turn and wipe your face.

"Why? You didn't seem to give a damn a moment ago."

Jake has seen many different versions of you, but not like this. He's seen you cry, but not in this way. This was coming from hurt, this was an angry cry.

"Please, Y/N. I'm so-" you cut him off before you could finish.

"No! You don't get to apologize. You don't get to try to talk yourself out of this. I really thought you could you have the decency to at least tell me that you didn't want this."

You catch your breath and Jake reaches for your hand. Before he caught your hand, you pushed it away.

"Y/N let me explain."

"No Hangman. I'd rather hate you and everything you say to me. Because I'll figure it out then. I'll forgive you someday, if ever. Or even forget you. This hurts so much more right now. We never made it to the end. You kept true to your callsign and left me hanging. You've left me with the uneasy feeling that I'm not worth anyone's time."

As you were leaving, you gave Coyote one more hug then left. Jake tried running after you, but from what you heard Fanboy and Payback didn't let him leave.

When you reached your apartment, you couldn't have felt more relieved to be there. That night you cried yourself to sleep. When you woke up, you've received multiple messages from Jake. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of having the last word, so you blocked him on everything.

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