A Waiting Game

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Danni stays by Preston side her and Alicia they take turns going home and taking a shower and then coming back to sit with Preston. Preston Family wait to in the waiting room for him his mother wants to see him but got too much proud to ask Danni about going to see him.

Paulette: I want see my son and this bitch won't let me see him Randy.
Randy: You will be patient we will see our boy.
Preston Brother: Why is Alicia so nice to her?
Paulette: Cause Alicia is in love with a Nigga boy too I can't believe I'm have a black grand child.
Fatima: Well believe it your gone have one.
Andi: Fatima do you think it's smart that you talk to them?
Fatima: If they gone say Nigga I can say cracker.
Danni: Andi Sabrina Karen and Fatima please come here.
Paulette: Can I see my son please Daniella?
Randy: Don't beg her.
Paulette: I said please?
Danni: (walks up to Paulette) No you may not.

Andi: Come on Danni(they walk out the waiting room)
Danni: You guys see that lady over there ?
Fatima: Yeah what's wrong?
Sabrina: Yeah who is she?
Karen: She been talking to Preston parents I saw her.
Danni: She has?
Fatima: Who is she?
Danni: Preston ex girlfriend.
Sabrina: She is not cute
Fatima: At all.

Danni: I'm go check that bitch about my husband

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Danni: I'm go check that bitch about my husband.
Andi: No Danni that's not a good ideal.
Danni: Not a good ideal she been feeding them rascist ass people about my husband no I'm not letting this shit ride.(Danni walks up to her and the ladies follow her)
Nurse Nancy: Can I help you?
Danni: Yeah May I ask why your telling Horace family anything?
Nurse Nancy: Excuse me?
Danni: Bitch you heard me
Nurse Nancy: I did and you might want back up from my station before I beat your ass.
Danni: Beat my ass no I will beat yours they are restricted from seeing him and from knowing any information.
Nurse Nancy: (looks Danni in the eye) I don't know why Preston married your black ass.
Danni: He loves me that's why he married me.
Nurse Nancy: Cause you called him begging him to come back we was back together and boo he is married and with you and he never end things with me.

Code Blue ICU Code Blue ICU
Doctors and Nurses head to Preston room
Danni tried run to his side the Doctors and Nurses remove her out the room Danni tries to hold it together Alicia walks up and ask Danni what's going on she said Preston flatline. Danni and Alicia breaks down the girls come and console her the Doctor ask her has anyone been in the room this morning she said just me and Alicia just us two.They revive Preston but he is still in a coma a few days past and the Doctors discover something:

Doctor: Someone tried to poison Preston that's why he flatline.
Alicia: It was my parents it had to be.
Danni: They ain't been in there.
Alicia: Nancy had to come in there when I drifted off to sleep.
Danni: You think so?
Doctor: She would not do that she took an oath.
Danni: I don't trust her.
Doctor: Its a touch and go with him it's up to Preston will have to do the fighting.
Danni: I don't want to live life without.(she goes and lays beside him)
Doctor: Alicia we will investigate Nancy but I'm telling you she did not do that.
(Doctor walks away)
Fatima: I think she did it.
Alicia: She did her and my mother are real close.
Andi: You think so?
Sabrina: We can't go blame someone if we don't have proof.
Alicia: I use to say that about Nancy but her brother called me and told me to keep an eye on her she moved back here to be with Preston ever since her mother seen him move back.
Andi: Wow is she crazy?
Alicia: Over Preston but him and her ended in a bad break up.
Fatima: What happen?
Alicia: I am afraid not to say Preston told me to never tell.
Fatima: I see.
Paulette walks up
Alicia: Mom
Paulette: Bring Danni out here.
Fatima: No we won't you owe her in apology.
Paulette: I'm not talking to you so I suggest you be quiet.
Andi: Don't talk to our friend like that
Paulette: Do you know who the fuck I am ?
Fatima: I don't care who you are do you know who the fuck I am.
Paulette: A whore that doesn't know her place cause if you do anything to me I will have the law on you so fast little black girl.
Fatima: I'm not a girl.
Paulette: Your a sad little girl now go get Danni Alicia she will want to hear this cause if I get Logan involved you and Danni wont be in there no more.(Alicia goes to get Danni)
Paulette:(Danni walks up) I thought you would see it my way I want to see my son now or I'm sue the weave out your hair bitch.
Andi: No ma'am Danni go back in the room I am Danni lawyer you don't want to do this.
Paulette: Fine Daniella I will be having Logan talk to you.
An hour later a Lawyer and Cop show up.
Logan: Daniella Horace my name is Logan Mitchell I understand you are keeping Paulette Horace from seeing her son.
Danni: I am.
Police Officer: Why?
Danni: Cause she doesn't need to see my husband.
Logan: Are you aware that Preston has 20 million dollars in life insurance and he just put you as a beneficiary two days before his accident and you just got add to his accounts.
Danni: I'm not answering anymore questions.
Logan: Very well cuff her.
Andi: Wait you can't arrest my friend ?
Alicia: Yeah she doesn't know anything about Preston money or anything.
Police Officer: You are under arrested anything you say or will be held against you.(handcuffs Danni and takes her away)
Paulette: I told you I'm that bitch dumb black girl.
(Walks past her) Doctor I want Alicia Wilson removed she is not Horace she is a Wilson a bastard child.
Doctor: I'm afraid Daniella Horace still holds power you are still not allowed to see her only Alicia Wilson.
Paulette: Very well the judge will rule in my favor.

(The ladies head down to the station Fatima stays behind with Alicia. Andi calls Robin he said he is on his way the lawyer and cop have Danni in the integration room.)
Police Officer: We have Josiah in custody so let me tell you how this goes Josiah and you will both go down for Preston attempted murder and your not gone ever see the life of day.
Danni: My husband not die.
Police Officers:He almost is died you trying to poison him.
Danni: I want a lawyer.
Logan: I am a lawyer you can talk to me.
Danni: Oh my gosh can I get a phone call?
Police Officer: In a second we are not done here.

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