I'm Getting Locked Up 🔒

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Fatima: It was Mindy?
Danni: (takes a long drink) Yes he was and he was there all night and when I got back to the house my mother had the nerve to ask me why I was gone so long
Fatima:(looks at Danni) Im sorry girl
Danni: Don't be I'm confront him cause he ain't gone disrespect me you hear me I won't do it I won't let him destroy me you hear me (Danni finishes drinking)
Fatima: I can call someone
Danni: No don't I don't care I'm leaving Preston
Fatima; You love him tho girl
Danni: I do love him but I don't want be married to a cheater why would he do this Fatima (she starts crying)
Fatima: Oh Danni (she starts hugging her) I love you
Danni: I love you to Fuck this men forreal
Fatima: No don't say fuck em shit you know what Fuck em (she starts drinking again and Danni joins in)

A few hours past the girls are tipsy as hell and they get a Uber Fatima stumbles in the house late and Zac watches her.

Fatima; Hey baby (she kisses him)
Zac: Are you okay?
Fatima: Never been better
Zac: (leans in to smell her) Are you drunk Fatima?
Fatima: No I'm not drink (she starts taking off her clothes and gets in the shower and Zac follows her)
Zac: You are drunk?
Fatima: (starts to Sing) Nobody knows what I go thru if you could see the pain inside
Zac: Fatima Fatima Fatima
Fatima: What?
Zac: Why did you come home like that (she ignores him and continues to wash she gets out)
Fatima: Don't worry baby (she kisses him and walks out the bathroom)
Zac: Fatima
Fatima: What shit I'm stressed ComeEat this pussy
Zac: Fatima
Fatima: What fine Fuck you baby I play with my rose and get some pleasure for tonight (she finishes drying off and pulls out her rose Zac looks at her) You gone watch me Fuck?
Zac: Goodnight Fatima
Fatima: Goodnight

Scene switches to the next day Zac goes to see Aaron at the church he walks in the room and a lady name Jessica is standing next to Aaron.

Aaron; Zac why did you not call?
Zac: Im sorry Hi my name is Zac (he extends his hand to the lady)
Jessica: Aaron I will see you later I will call you later on
Aaron; Okay thank you so much
Jessica: No thank you and Your welcome (she smiles and goes out the office
Zac:(looks at her and then at Aaron) You hitting that?
Aaron; What can I do for ?
Zac: I came to tell you something
Aaron; I am all ears?
Zac: But first who is that?
Aaron; Zac man
Zac: I mean are you cheating on Karen
Aaron; I love my wife
Zac: We'll Aaron I lied
Aaron; Lied about?
Zac: When you come clean I will come clean to you
Aaron: What?
Zac: Have a good day Aaron
(Zac turns to open the door and police walk in)

Police Officer: Aaron Carter?
Aaron; Yeah that's me
Police Officer: Aaron Carter you are arrested for Tax embezzlement and Fraud
Aaron; This a mistake
Police Officer: Tell it to the judge
Zac: What the hell ? (Aaron looks at him)
Aaron: Zac don't call Karen
Zac: Oh trust me I won't (the officer walks him out and Zac walks out)

Later on that day Karen goes to visit Aaron at the church. She sees the FBI and police officers and she asks what's going on.

Police Woman: And you are?
Karen: I'm the First Lady of the church of this church
Police Woman: Karen Mott?
Karen: Yeah
Police Woman: Your under arrest for Tax Embezzling too (she forces Karen and puts cuffs on her)
Karen; This is a mistake
Police Woman: Oh your not getting illegal money as well (Jessica walks in and Karen looks at her)
Jessica:What is going on?
Karen: Who are you?
Jessica looks at The Police woman and back at Karen

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